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Moving is worse that selling and buying combined!!!

Started by Greatwhite, August 01, 2012, 11:30:14 PM

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:)  Just kidding!

Got the keys to the new house today... The old owner was supposed to be out before 5pm, but they were still there moving until around 8.  When we stopped by at 7 to check if they were gone yet, there was a couple neighborhood brats bouncing a basketball in MY driveway.  I will use them for target practice with by paintball gun if they are back tomorrow.

Drove by at 9, and they were gone, so I went in for a little walkthrough.  The house was empty and clean (enough).  I can't wait for carpet dude to come, because the 20 year old carpet stinks of cats.

I had forgotten that in 1989, people didn't like ceiling lights... So 5 bedrooms are in need of some electrician willing to crawl around in my attic when it's 30+ degrees outside to run wires...  I'll probably have him install some pot lights in the master bedroom while he's up there. I've already sent out some feelers to electricians to see who is up for the work and willing to shed a few pounds sweating up there.

I bought a central vac unit, hoping to install it tomorrow night... and found that the unfinished basement doesn't even have electrical run ANYWHERE except for some lights.  I might just run it out into the garage... *shrug* :)

Movers will be here on Wednesday.  I have to move my aquarium before then!!  Good times...


Good luck with the move man, I'd offer to help but I'm not really into helping people move  8)
I haz reef tanks.


My role in moving this time will include a lawn chair and a beer in my hand.  We're paying people to lift all the heavy stuff.  4 guys and a big truck should have all my stuff moved in no time.


Quote from: Greatwhite on August 02, 2012, 12:24:11 AM
My role in moving this time will include a lawn chair and a beer in my hand.  We're paying people to lift all the heavy stuff.  4 guys and a big truck should have all my stuff moved in no time.

In that case I'm available to help you move.

I even have my own chair.
I haz reef tanks.


hahah that's awesome :) I wish we had thought to hire someone, we all swear we are NEVER moving again!! it was such a pain! I think moving is worse than selling and buying! we had three 27 foot trucks to haul our junk :P 1 truck alone was all tools/garden supplies!! couldn't believe we had THAT much!!

Hope your move goes smoothly and unpacking goes quickly!! :) Good luck!!!!!!!!! Yay for new house!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


I agree with your subject line...especially with our latest move. We sold our house with a closing date of July1st. The problem, our new home wasn't built now. We found a townhome in Orleans to sublet while we wait so our move was a real treat. I moved all my garage stuff (lawn tractor, mower, snowblower, ect to my father-in-laws), a bunch of the boys things to my sister-in-laws, all our fragile decorations and electronics we didn't need for a few months to my parents, what we needed for every day living to the townhome and everything else to storage. What a pain in the butt. And now we get to do it all over again at the end of October when the new house is finished. As I told my wife, they're taking me out of the next house in a pine box......I am NEVER moving again.....haha.
17 Gallon Seapora Crystal:: Cherry shrimp and red crystal shrimp

90 Gallon:: p. acei itunji, p. elongatus chewere, p. Saulosi, cyno zebroides jalo reef

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
                        - George Orwell


:) this house we're moving into will be our 20-25 year home...  I have no plans to move any time soon for sure!!!  of course, you never know what the future will bring.

We went this morning to drop off a few things, so that tonight I can install the central vac quickly.  The house stinks of "pet"... I have 2 dogs, and have never smelled anything so bad.  The 20 year old carpet must have been saturated with urine...

The wife went back with our rug shampooer to hit the rugs so that it's livable until carpet dudes can tear out this stuff and put in new carpet with "odor resistant" underpad at the end of the month.

We tried to get the carpet in before furniture, but we were thwarted in those attempts. :)


Somehow, just under 20 years ago, I had EVERYTHING I OWN in the back of a 1980 Camaro when I headed out to college. Tonight we filled our 50th box and we have 2 couches, a huge sectional, dining room set, and 4 beds to move. (and loads of other furniture)

Thank god for movers.  My back is sore just thinking about the move tomorrow. ;). At least appliances are not going anywhere.


Good luck with you move....even the best planned moves are chaotic at best. It's exhausting....kinda dreading the move to our new home in October. Moving a family of 4 twice in 4 months is not my idea of a good time.

17 Gallon Seapora Crystal:: Cherry shrimp and red crystal shrimp

90 Gallon:: p. acei itunji, p. elongatus chewere, p. Saulosi, cyno zebroides jalo reef

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
                        - George Orwell


Well, it was a long and PAINFUL process, moving my 90G from the basement of my old house to the office of my new one.  I knew how heavy the EMPTY tank was, and TRIED to explain that to my friend - but he was still surprised by it.  I had all my live rock (around 150lbs), coral and fish transported to the new house on Saturday.  Sunday, I drained the water from the tank, and actually had to remove 1/2 of the sand to make it a little more manageable.

The move itself wouldn't have been too bad, if not for the stairs at the old place. :)  I was at the top, heading up backwards - hunched over...  Made it without a scratch on the tank or walls!

We put the tank on the new stand before taking the sump out of the van... whoops. :)  Had to lift the tank out of the way to get the sump in from the top.  There's no way to get it out of there now!

It took me 3 rain barrels of water to fill.. Somehow I grossly underestimated the contents of this tank - or over estimated the volume of the barrels...  So it took me 2 days to get enough water in the tank to run the sump & skimmer...  I would have liked to aerate the water a little more before getting it into the tank, but there wasn't time.

Casualties in the move: 2 Blue Chromis, 1 Dispar Anthias, 1 Coral Beauty, 1 Yellow Tang. 2 cleaner shrimp... And a torch coral.  Looks like I'll be starting pretty much from scratch, fish-wise once everything has stabilized from the move!

I still have my 2 immortal Clownfish (they're about 7 years old!), (toxic) Mandarin Dragonet, and a Blue Neon Goby.. My sand sifter starfish survived the move in the remaining sand and 1" of water...  My zoas all closed up at the start of the move, and have started reopening today now that the lights and back on.

I have 2 new Koralia (yeah.. they suck) pumps creating a whirling vortex current, so my clowns are very happy today.  My old Tunze 6045s are all caked with coraline, and didn't have much flow left.  I'll wash them up and keep them for salt water mixing..

Overall, aside from the casualties - the move was a success...... And I'd like to thank the makers of Robaxacet for keeping me mobile today.