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Hi All

Started by wrm130, October 10, 2012, 03:23:17 PM

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New here, kindof(I quietly read) and new to fish in general as of March 2012.  Tanks went from 1 to 2 to 6.  I'm addicted and love it.

Currently all my tanks are fairly heavily planted and stocked with:
-threadfin rainbows
-cherry shrimp
-mts, pond, ramshorn and assasin snails
-snowball shrimp
-crystal red shrimp
-celestial pearl danios
-minami? shrimp
-badis badis
-apisto cacatuoids
-AND one lonely male agassizi.....If anyone knows where I can get a female please pm me.

Anyways, thats my hello for now, looking forward to learning lots.  Pics to come once I get them onto the computer from my phone.


125g, 32g, 7g


Hola! Welcome! Quite the list you got there! Feel free to post anytime and we'll try to jump on and help :)
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!



Already a victim of MTS... gotta love it!


Welcome to the forum!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thanks for the warm welcomes.  Gonna try to post some pics.  5 of the 6 tanks anyways.



last 3.  left out the nano for now till it fills in more.


-first pic is just some daphnia I raise for the fishes
-second pic is the lonely agassizi male(someone get me a female!!!)
-3rd cpd/crystal tank. 2 ottos. couple random neo shrimp
-4th apisto cacatuoide/sae tank
-5th fry/shrimp/plant grow out tank
-6th threadfin/glasscat/otto tank

So much fun.  I'd have more if the gf would allow it:)


Nice.. How about a plant list too? :p
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Hmmmm, please forgive me, this is gonna be tough!

-water sprite
-corkscrew&italian val
-round leaf and pointy ludwigia
-elodea densa
-ammania gracilis
-rotala (magenta?)
-Pogostemon stellatus
-chain swords
-amazon sword
-echinodorus rubin
-dwarf sword
-dwarf sag
-java moss
-xmas moss
-flame moss
-dwarf hairgrass
-another thicker darker it curls and intertwines....
-micro sword
-something really branchy....looks like a dead charlie brown xmas tree....but its alive...and red
-anubias nana
-java fern
-guppy grass
and a banana plant that doesnt fit anywhere lol

I think that's it....I have no c02 yet.  Just my lights and substrate mix.


Nice tanks and welcome to OVAS!

As a friendly reminder, we're a family gentle forum and would prefer that the posts remain clean (using special characters rather than the actual letters doesn't work with us)

From the look of your tanks, I'd say that you have a lot of knowledge to share. Thanks for posting.
120G Reef


Edited, my apologies.what a way to start :(

Thank you also, but I have NO knowledge, just beginners luck.
I'm here learn.


Quote from: wrm130 on October 10, 2012, 09:27:11 PM
Hmmmm, please forgive me, this is gonna be tough!

-water sprite
-corkscrew&italian val
-round leaf and pointy ludwigia
-elodea densa
-ammania gracilis
-rotala (magenta?)
-Pogostemon stellatus
-chain swords
-amazon sword
-echinodorus rubin
-dwarf sword
-dwarf sag
-java moss
-xmas moss
-flame moss
-dwarf hairgrass
-another thicker darker it curls and intertwines....
-micro sword
-something really branchy....looks like a dead charlie brown xmas tree....but its alive...and red
-anubias nana
-java fern
-guppy grass
and a banana plant that doesnt fit anywhere lol

I think that's it....I have no c02 yet.  Just my lights and substrate mix.

Nice! Not bad for sans co2 .. actually.. REAL awesome for sans co2 :) Well done! Where did you acquire Pogostemon stellatus from? Is a sweet plant i wouldn't mind if/when you have trimmings!  :P
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


I think the daphnia jars are so cool.  May have to start a windowsill aquatic garden of my own.  ;)

Great tanks, and welcome to the forums!


Hi and welcome to OVAS :).
Beautiful tanks as well, you've done well in only 7 months.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Thank you all for the warm welcome!

-daphnia jars are clustered around an aerogarden with a greenwater jug in the center.  I am quite paranoid about these as its all I've managed to get the scarlet badis to eat.  Other than live brine shrimp but I find them irritating.  Live fw culture ideas are welcome.  Lol please!

-mts I dont mind as substrate is....essentially dirt and I've never vac'd

-Pogostemon came from...I dont remember:(


My scarlet badis also likes microworms and I expect eats my cherry shimplets. They do only eat live IME.

Let me know if you want some microworm culture.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Quote from: Laura on October 13, 2012, 06:49:22 PM
My scarlet badis also likes microworms and I expect eats my cherry shimplets. They do only eat live IME.

Let me know if you want some microworm culture.

Here's hoping they don't hit my snowball shrimp babies too hard...

And a microworm culture would be amazing!!!!!!!!

You guys are awesome!!!   :)


not a problem. pm me to sort out timing.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds