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A few of my bettas...

Started by Mettle, November 07, 2005, 04:21:07 PM

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While tending to the fish today I decided to snap some shots of a few of my male bettas. I'm rather addicted to them. I've lost count of how many I have.

In tending to them I transferred them into these small bowls in order to photograph them. So they're a little stressed and not looking as top notch as they do the majority of the time. I tried putting a black piece of paper behind the bowl to bring out the colours. Unfortunately there's some reflection going on there - but I'm still working on my photographing techniques.

All these bettas were bought at SP Barrhaven, where I work and came in with our regular shipments... I guess having pick of the litter is sometimes pretty good.  :D



Nice bettas.
I actually managed to find an actual yellow betta last week, bought him up right away (wife has been looking for one for a long time.) He's in my 29 gal right now but being very shy, so I'll probably move him to a 10 gal shortly.


I gave my dad my yellow betta. Well, leant it to him. His 10 gal was looking a little empty with only three white clouds and a single cory in there. I'll see if I can snap a pic.


OMG!!!  would you look at that RED!!!!  He'd pair well with my Sassy girl!


One day i hope to have a yellow and a red in my collection...  

You have stunning boys there :)


oopsie, the above post is me !!   had to change computers to look at your photos and i forget my brat has an account here too lol!!!


I'm hoping to eventually get some nice females in my collection. I'm going to set up a large-ish tank for just girls. It's nice how they can be housed together, isn't it? I'm thinking of doing something around the 40 gallon mark but I'm not sure as of yet. Depends on what I've got room for. And whether or not I can find the stands I'm looking for.
