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Saltwarer/Reef, what do I need?

Started by Reefguy, November 09, 2012, 12:28:55 PM

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Quote from: Stussi613 on November 10, 2012, 12:22:04 PM
Truth be told, I'm seriously considering giving salt a try with a 10g tank even though people say its hard to do.  Errol picked up a gorgeous 10g rimless tank for pretty cheap when they did the run to Trois rivière and I think it would look awesome as a reef tank.

I just started one in the same 10 gal rimless ;) Go for it!

We really aren't trying to be negative, we just want to be informative. The edge is a neat system, however an issue with complete systems is they're very difficult to customize to your liking. The edge is aimed more towards fresh than salt water, so changing the lights and filtration, etc. can be an absolute pain, and sometimes impossible to get the desired effect.

The last thing we want to do is say "Don't do what you want to do", but the second last thing we want to say is "Hey, this should be fine, who cares" and then find out that you've lost a few hundred bucks worth of rock, fish and coral in a couple weeks.

If you do decide to go reef, make sure you take it very slow and ask lots of questions. Test often and be prepared to spend money :P

Also, if you decide to go nano reef, I would really recommend picking up something similar in size perhaps, but not using the Fluval Edge. I don't doubt your ability to keep up a nano reef and learn as you go, I doubt the capabilities of the system.

Come out to our OVAS Christmas dinner in a couple weeks and we can in-person chat if you like, along with a few other people with similar experiences, we can accomplish a lot more in person ;)


Quote from: robt18 on November 12, 2012, 12:13:19 PM
I would really recommend picking up something similar in size perhaps, but not using the Fluval Edge. I don't doubt your ability to keep up a nano reef and learn as you go, I doubt the capabilities of the system.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the "capabilities" of the Fluval Edge. The only negative would be the size of the hole makes it challenging to aquasacpe the tank. You can only use rocks that fit through the hole.

The clean design of the tank makes it worth the little extra effort IMO.


Quote from: xenon on November 12, 2012, 12:53:15 PM
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the "capabilities" of the Fluval Edge. The only negative would be the size of the hole makes it challenging to aquasacpe the tank. You can only use rocks that fit through the hole.

The clean design of the tank makes it worth the little extra effort IMO.

That's exactly where I was going in the other thread, and why I decided not to do it myself after reading lots about how experienced reefers were having issues with this same problem.

I know you have a gorgeous Edge reef tank and I'm happy you're posting advice on here based on first hand knowledge!
I haz reef tanks.


Thanks Xenon and others that have been telling em to go on with it,

  So I got my live sand yesterday and my Seasalt mix. Now I just need to pick up a jet and better lights. Oh ya I also got my hydrometer. So now all is sitting beside my desk. I don't want to do anything till I am sure I got the light upgrade and the jet before I get the live rock. then it will be fun waiting and watching. I am doing weekly updates of my tank project every Friday. So tomorrow depending on when ya watch this I will be making a new video. I am on youtube for Canadiancrabguy. I have hermit crabs but then I went to fish as my second hobby. Check me out if ya wish. thanks all.

Xenon big thanks.
Reefguy Pat



Heya - that baby starfish you found is probably an Astrea Starfish.  Some people consider them pests for some reason.  I like them because they clean out small spaces. 

It's not a baby -- that's full grown. ;)


Nuts - I guess I should have watched the whole video before posting the Astrea pic...  That looked like a brittle star.  Looks bigger than the 'micro' ones that typically appear out of live rock.  Nice catch.  They are GREAT cleaners.



   Awesome to know. I also got a Marine snail. Think its a Turbo idk. I am still awaitting anybody that knows what kind of snail it is. Now I get to think of what fish I want to get so I know what corals for it to get and what to not get and so on. the big time now is to figure out where what will go and so on. any ideals let me know thanks.



do you have a pic of the snail? what corals are you looking at? pistol shrimp and goby pairs are cool


Quote from: Reefguy on November 26, 2012, 11:08:06 PM

   Awesome to know. I also got a Marine snail. Think its a Turbo idk. I am still awaitting anybody that knows what kind of snail it is. Now I get to think of what fish I want to get so I know what corals for it to get and what to not get and so on. the big time now is to figure out where what will go and so on. any ideals let me know thanks.


It looks like an Astrea snail to me. Turbo's are 2X bigger.



  Well I just read up on the Astrea Snail. I got to say it fits the description to a T.  I know I need more LR before I introdue some Live stock. So I am just wondering what everybody in the nano has. Gonna be buying another piece of LR from the same LFS next Friday. It will be like the one I have, so cured and probably ith a couple of mushrooms on it.  Or other corals. So ya IDK what kind of Live stock to put in. I am thinking once I get all my LR then I will wait abit and ut in a Cleaner shrimp in maybe 2 weeks maybe more. Then gonna keep doing water changes and checking the salinity and nitrate nitrites and amonia and make sure everything is ok and then desided upon research and hear say what I should put in.

Thanks to all and keep the info coming. Always enjoy imput.


Quote from: Darth on November 27, 2012, 09:35:25 AM
do you have a pic of the snail? what corals are you looking at? pistol shrimp and goby pairs are cool

Hahaha! I guess I should have watched the video LOL yeah thats def astrea snail  ;D



 Well that's cool. Keeping it nano lol.  Here is a link to my week 3 video of my Salt water nano tank.

Dumb question I did a test and it shows that I have zero nitrate and zero nitrite but ammonia is in the 0.50ppm. Anything I should be worried about?



you will be getting slight amo readings as the tank cycles I wouldnt worry too much


Quote from: Reefguy on November 27, 2012, 12:17:17 PM

 Well that's cool. Keeping it nano lol.  Here is a link to my week 3 video of my Salt water nano tank.

Dumb question I did a test and it shows that I have zero nitrate and zero nitrite but ammonia is in the 0.50ppm. Anything I should be worried about?


Yes. Your corals and inverts might not make it.

The die off is probably coming from your livesand and not the cured rock.



  Well ATM they are doing good. Everything is alive. If I do water changes every week and do like 20-80% water change will it stop em from dieing or will it die no matter what? I have everything set up as of last Friday and wondering if I should do a water change tomorrow and do it every 3-4 days while still adding a daily dosage of Stability by Seachern (blue bottle). It's supposed to keep the ammonia down while cycling. My mushrooms are doing their usual close at night and wide open during the day. The snail is doing well as well. He moves all over the rock I have and as the starfish he is out and about. I added some media that I had sitting in a FW tank for awhile now. Hopefully that helps with the cycle. If their is anything else I can do to save the mushrooms I have please let me know. Also will the Coraline algae die off as well? Can I also use some Prime to help the amonia problem or am I doomed to let the process die off? Sorry for all the questions.



Sorry if this was covered... What test kits?  Ammonia of 0.5ppm should be killing corals and fish. I'd question the reading if the fish and corals are doing well.

Ammonia is,very toxic.  It will damage soft tissue such as gills.  Fish might appear ok,,but often damage is sever and they die soon after exposure.

Adding the FW media might have been a bad plan,  FW bacteria cannot survive, that I know of, in SW.  That would cause more die off..  Could / would also further lower your pH and lower oxygen levels...  Making effects of ammonia amplified.

Water changes always help.  Good plan.  Suggest 25% daily to,help.

I also suggest you stop adding things.  Time = success, not snake oil in a bottle.  My two cents anyhow.  Prime, and other magic cures are not for me.

FWIW, id just stop everything other than testing daily, and 25% water changes until the cycle is complete.  Anything else will be what it will be.


Well that is good to know. Thanks I will remove it asap and I was not aware of a daily water change thought it was only weekly. But will start that tonight and thanks for the info. Only additive I added was Stability by Seachem. I took out the media and yes I will be doing patience. I will be doing a water change tonight and stop with the additives. Will be testing the water every day as well. Thanks for all the great info. For the few of you I am a rookie at this SW and trying it out for the first time. I just get info from everywhere and it seems it's hit and miss. That's why I ask many questions. I need solid answers.



Well, you're definitely at the right place to ask questions...  The trick is to take the advice that you CAN take, and remember the advice that you can't take for future reference.

The worst thing to hear as an experienced person who has given advice is "my tank crashed and everything died"... And then to hear that it died because of advice that you gave that wasn't taken.   >:(

Keep asking questions!!!  I guarantee that there are others who will read this thread and learn something from the answers.


I keep noticing new growth on my LR atm. I guess when I will add more LR the mushroom will start going to it? So far all the mushrooms are doing great. they open all the way open during the day. I am doing water changes every 3 days till it cycles. Not gonna add any livestock like shrimp till much much later. I am happy with the snail atm. Should I get a LR that is cured but stock as in with nothing on it like corals or should I keep getting more that has corals and Coraline algae on it? What other kind of corals are very easy for a beginner to achieve success with? Wife wants me to some some Black and white clowns once the tank is cycles since they only grow to a max size of 3 inches. IDK what do you think?

  So I keep modifying this since I am not getting any kind of response. Oh well. I seem to be on the right track. I got more Live rock. My Salinity lvl's are at 1.025 and my ammonia is gone. other reading suggest time to put in live stock. I still want to add more LR before I do so and do more readings. Suggestions?