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Just added a Blue Hippo Tang, and advice?

Started by SWFan, November 23, 2012, 07:22:43 PM

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Hi Folks,

So I have had my tank for a few months (originally bought from someone that had it setup for 2 years).

I have been avoiding adding a blue hippo tang due to the scary stories I have been reading online with ICH and the fact that I don't want to set up a quarantine tank. 

Anyways my wife and I have always loved the blue tang, and ended up getting one today.  Other tank mates include a pair of clownfish, one pink skunk, one blue green chromis, and a yellow tang.  Its been in the tank for an hour or so, and things seem to be alright.  The blue green chromis, and one of the clownfish have slightly picked on it, but nothing out of the ordinary. 

Any advice guys?



Actually not sure how to set one up, and have no space to setup a separate tank.  Is there an easy way to set one up?

So since I posted, the blue green chromis seems to be picking on it a bit more, so I turned the lights off.  Thinking if the blue green chromis still picks on him, I would just get rid of him.


How big is the blue tang ?
For chromis to pic on the tang it must be small, hows the yellow reacting to this ?
Make sure the blue tang has a place to hide at night
All the commotion should last a day or two but the best thing is to stop the aggression if he cant hold his own signs of illness will show (ICH) ;)



My blue hippo (yellow bellied version from africa) has been no issue at all.  had ick for a while but recovered (its in my system... all fish have had it and recovered) 

Healthy foods are the key to him/her for me.... And more than one.  I put Nori in 2x a week (should be 4+ IMO) feed three types of FaunaMarin food pellets and frozen mysis. 

When I drop down to just one type of food, within 1 month all fish look ... different...  the Hippo seems to show first... Color maybe is the issue, or "perky-ness"/acivity level... I'm not sure... but I can tell when I've neglected to get the above variety in their diets and the Hippo shows first... maybe b/c he is biggest? not sure.

anyhow, that's my 2 cents.

2 years (? or three?) and counting... all good so far.


Darth, i have a 90 gallon.

My yellow tang has not bothered him, intact I feel like he is the most peaceful fish I have.
The blue tang I got is probably 2 inches. I think it was considered between small and medium.

I'll have to monitor tomorrow, I have no problem donating the chromis if he continues to pick on him, since he was 1/10th the price lol


have you considered getting more chromis, as they are schooling fish, and with a school they can pend down the aggression


Woke up and first I see is the tang laying on the bottom corner of my tank!!!! Getting really worried.  Im gonna trunk the light and see if it will swim up and eat.

Yes, schooling chromis was next on my list. Would total of 4 be fine?


Ok, so apparently thats how it sleeps!  Anyways I put some food, and it seems to be swimming and eating fine.

However chromis is still bothering it. 


Quote from: SWFan on November 24, 2012, 09:27:01 AM
Ok, so apparently thats how it sleeps!  Anyways I put some food, and it seems to be swimming and eating fine.

Lol, I had the same reaction the first time.
110g saltwater/reef

I was walking down the street and a man was hammering on a roof top and he called me a Paranoid Little Weirdo. . . in morse code.


Mine sleeps on a mount for a powerhead...  That is scary to wake up to first thing, because the way he is laying, it looks like he's stuck to it - which usually means dead.

How is he eating? That will indicate how successful you'll be with him.  I got one a short time ago and he was eating as soon as he got into the tank.  He was VERY aggressive toward food, like some poor brine shrimp insulted his mom and he was out for revenge.  It took him about a day to realize that the "Sea Veggies" I had on a clip was for him, and that it was delicious.

A happy, FULL tang is less likely to get ich...  And if it DOES get ich, it will get over it faster.


He ate yesterday (Frozen brine) and this morning (New era flakes). So that is a good sign.  Time to get rid of the chromis.

I'll probably end up getting a school later on, but for now, I want to maximize the chance of the tang surviving and staying healthy .


if you sell the chromis I will take it, as I lost one not too long ago and am down to 3 so I wouldn't mind taking it off your hands if thats what it comes down too, otherwise it may just be a pecking order trying to be established, the tang must be a tiny guy of chromis is attacking it =(


So day 3 is looking much better! (I hope I don't jinx it). Lights have been on for a few hours with no problems between the tang and chromis.

Yesterday I actually did try to take out the chromis, with no success. I think I would need to play with the rock work, as well as get a much larger net.

Maybe if all goes well, I dont have to remove any fish!


Hopefully you won't have to remove him.

Catching most fish is hard and aggravating but I've had success with a homemade trap.

I use a clear plastic bag the size of a freezer bag. I thread fishing line around the opening of the bag and lower it into the tank with some rocks at the bottom so it will sink. Once positioned, make sure the opening of the bag is as wide open as possible so the fish can go in and out. Run the fishing line 10 or so feet away from the tank.

Add some food to the bag, I use a long spot feeder but a turkey baster will work. Sit back and wait for the fish to enter the bag. It may take awhile depending on how skittish the fish are but once the fish enters the bag, yank the fishing line and you've got him. You may end up with several fish but that's okay.

Some fish will go for the food right away. Others will take a long time to get comfortable and some will never go for it.
110g saltwater/reef

I was walking down the street and a man was hammering on a roof top and he called me a Paranoid Little Weirdo. . . in morse code.


So things have been going really well with the Chromis.  Tang has been eating really well, and no problems with other tank mates.

But today I see that he has got a few white bumps on his body  :(

First experience with ich.  Hopefully the frozen brine + new era flakes + nori will be a good enough food mix.


I think you are doing well. 

I have ICK in my tank,,, you cannot see it.  All fish are immune to it now, IMO same as in nature.  I attribute this to variety of food, high water quality.

You need to weight your own situation here.  For me, ICK was unavoidable so I was willing to maintain (try) high water quality and feed loads of different food.  2 typed of frozen, three pellets and two types of nori.

Good luck. 


Expanding diet will help for sure, make sure he's user as little stress as possible, and try using a garlic supplement with your food. I used it before in my SW system for a yellow tang and it worked really quickly.

Good luck!


I did that 6 week treated QT for all my fish when I first introduced them into the tank and they still got ich.

Like Rob and Hookup say, healthy happy fish will become immune to ich, or at least have no trouble fighting it off.
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef