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tassimo vs keurig

Started by Darth, December 08, 2012, 11:19:40 AM

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okay I am debating on a coffee machine both seem to do about the same looking for personal users so feedback on which one you use, if you had one and switched, which is better and where can I get the coffee discs or cups the cheapest thanks!!


keurig I have two of them and love them both. You can get a thing to use your own coffee and the cheapest spot to buy them is online. Roughly $12 for 24 cups of coffee. From what I have heard the tassimo timmys cups aren't very good


I have a Breville Keurig. I love it! It makes a variety of different sizes from expresso to 12 ounces as well as the right size/strength for iced coffee. I love a strong but smooth cup of coffee. I buy Timothy's Parisien Nights (about $14 for 24),  make a 12 ounce cup and it's always perfect, just the way I like it. If you like a medium roast, however, you can get either Timothy's or Van Houtte's breakfast blend coffees at Costco, 80 for $39.99. Finally, you can get a My K-Cup for about $16 or it comes with some of the coffee makers and use it with any fresh ground or canned ground coffee, which is the cheapest was to go.

My daughter had a Tassimo, didn't like to flavor of the coffee or the varieties available or find it versatile and switched to Keurig. I had a couple of coffees from her Tassimo and didn't love them either.
9G planted Edge w/ pure strain Endler's livebearers


I used to sell Keurig wholesale throughout Eastern Ontario about 10 years ago, before they went retail. I have always found that K cups have a subtle plastic flavour in the coffee-many agree with me. They offer an excellent variety of coffees however and this is a huge plus.

I own a Tassimo and have had great difficulty finding a coffee that has good body and flavour. For the first year I owned it, Tassimo featured Starbucks coffees and they were great. Unfortunately, Starbucks ended their agreement with Tassimo and that left a big hole in the selection again. About six months after Starbuck left, Tassimo brought on Gevalia. I like a darker roast flavour and Gevalia delivers. Its a good full bodied cup of coffee. I agree with a previous comment on the Timmies - its not great, but its not too bad either for a one cup maker (there's always drawback with one cup machines in either camp).

One other significant difference between the two makers, is that Tassimo offers Latte and Cappucino capabilities that Keurig does not. My wife and her friends find these drinks very good and we often use this feature at dinner parties etc. and people think they are great.

I vote Tassimo for versatility and deep bold Gevalia coffee (if you like a bold cup of coffee).

Good luck on your choice!
50 gal. CADLights cube with 15 gal. CADlights sump:
CADLights PLS 100 skimmer
AI Vega LED with controller
Ocellaris pair in LTA, Sml. Hippo Tang,  Powder Brown Tang, Favia, Gorgonia, Frog Spawn, Rhodactis, Sun Coral, Open Brain, Colt Coral, Plate Coral

220 gal. with 80 gal. sump:
Vortex IN 280 skimmer
8 Bulb Teklight T5's, Reefbrite actinic
Pair Gold Bar Maroon Clowns (extra lrg. female), Hippo Tang, Lrg. Pink Tail Trigger, Blue Face Angel,  Kole Tang, Humu Humu Trigger,  2 Yellow Tangs...3 RBTA's, Hammer Coral, Torch Coral, Frog Spawn, Leather Coral


thanks guys I aprreciate the feedback, I like the idea of latte (for my daughter especially) I prefer a full bodied coffee personally I prefer an esspresso instead of caps personally


we've done both :) and right now have the tassimo...the PC coffee isn't bad either, Gevalia is delish!!

the thing I loved about the Kcups is you could do your own loose leaf teas or grind your own coffee...tcups don't have that :(

but nothing beats a press ;)
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts

White Lightning

Keurig hands down! I go to Timothys and choose between a million different flavours. I LOVE my Keurig!


Keurig for us as well, I've never tasted plastic in mine... 

Tweed and Hickory lets you mix and match k-cups to make a box at a reasonable price.
I haz reef tanks.


Keurig.  I have one, love the coffee - and I can make more than 8oz at a time.  Tassimo is all programmed by the barcode and only makes 8oz.  My buddy just got tassimo and DOES love the lattes.  He insisted that he's saving money by not going out for a $2 coffee every morning until I reminded him that it's roughly $1 per coffee with Tassimo and he uses 2 of the Tassimo disk things per cup.  He didn't argue. :)

My Keurig machine works great.  I can do 4 to 12oz cups... 

If you guy a Keurig machine - get Keurig brand.  I had a Cuisinart machine originally.  It was the most expensive one out at the time, so I thought I'd be safe.  Well, after 6 months, it stopped working right.  I found that it's a common problem with Cuisinart's K machines, and they did NOT cover it on the warranty. :(

There are a couple places in town with a great variety of coffees....  There's a store called Tweed & Hickory with a GREAT select (and you can order online from them).... But I've found that Canadian Tire has a good variety, and there's always a good seasonal variety pack there for around 50 cents a cup.


Tassimo: we bought ours (T65) at Black Friday sale at WalMart for $88. So far we love it. The Latte and Cappucino we've tried are good. Bought a value pack of Tcups at Costco for $29.
We're really happy with the coffee but looking forward to more variety. I'm sure it will improve over time. Also looking forward to a "make it yourself" t-cup like they have for Keurig.


Keurig is the Xerox of cup-at-a-time coffee brewers. Soon, when the market is flooded with copy-cats (copy-cats like the Tassimo!), people will call all of them "keurigs" just like everyone would call a photocopier a "xerox machine".

Don't get a fake Keurig! :)


LOL seems everyone hates the tassimo LOL


Quote from: Darth on December 10, 2012, 01:50:08 PM
LOL seems everyone hates the tassimo LOL
Not sure about that - both the Tassimo and the Keurig were on sale at Walmart for the same price. The Tassimo were out selling the Keurig at least 2 to 1 in the hour we were there...
just relaying an observation, not saying one is better than the other.


Quote from: ajm1961 on December 10, 2012, 12:15:09 PM
I'm sure it will improve over time.

Hasn't Tassimo been around longer than Keurig??  Tassimo seems to be stuck where it is now, since it does everything that you'd think it should... It makes coffee, latte/etc, tea, hot chocolate...  The Keurig can't improve aside from coffee makers getting onboard with more varieties of coffee.  Keurig has a couple instant latte cups that are "OK"... But they are not much more than what you'd get from a "Just add hot water" mix from the grocery store. (My wife likes the Chai Tea Latte better than starbucks, by the way)

Now Starbucks came out with the Verisma or whatever, which is a hybrid of the Keurig and Tassimo, from what I can tell.  I don't thing it's going to have the following that Keurig & Tassimo have because ONLY Starbucks coffee will work in it.  I was told that Starbucks will continue making K Cups, at least.

I have heard that if you want a GOOD cup of coffee from a single cup brewer, the one to look for is the Nespresso machine.  But again, I don't think that one will have the variety of a Keurig.


Jura makes a bunch of nice units.  We have the impressa F9


To be perfectly honest, the only reason Keurig is better that Tassimo (in my opinion) is the optional "My K Cup" thing that allows you to use ANY coffee in it.  I've used if a few times, and found that the Presidents Choice Candy Cane coffee ROCKS in there.


We have had both the tassimo and Keurig before but Nespresso is much better than either of them.

Nespresso has a similar pod style delivery system but makes a WAY better coffee imo.
Only downside to nespresso is you can only buy their coffee at the boutique's or order them online.
And there is a really sweet refillable pod that is pretty awsome (thanks isabelle!)
You can buy the machines at home outfitters and you can stop in and try them there before you buy them.

Jura is pretty awsome too.


I think the major problem is the availability of coffee for the machines...I LOVE variety in coffee, and am kinda stuck with the tassimo! UNLESS you order online...and also in the USA they have a bigger variety it seems!! sooo guess going to have to get my sister to mail coffee up again :D
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


okay so here is where I am at :

Kuerig-has add your own coffee option but supposedly better coffee ( I know a matter of opinio)
tassimo-lattes and more options

and now nesspresso and jurra -nesspresso is specialty or online only, and jurra??



Don't forget about the Verismo!!!  (don't get one, but don't forget about it!)  :)