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start up of plant tank

Started by mags28, January 30, 2013, 02:32:41 PM

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Hi everyone,
I would like to turn my 46 gallon bow front into a planted tank. I have no idea where to begin. My substrate is red granit rock. I have two angels, 1 loach, three barbs. My lighting has broke so Im purchasing a new light fixture varley soon. I am currently having issue with green water at the moment. I cant seem to get rid of it. Have water changes weekly, obviously lighting is not an issue. i have an eheim filtration system. Not sure what else i can tell you.


Quote from: mags28 on January 30, 2013, 02:32:41 PM
Hi everyone,
I would like to turn my 46 gallon bow front into a planted tank. I have no idea where to begin. My substrate is red granit rock. I have two angels, 1 loach, three barbs. My lighting has broke so Im purchasing a new light fixture varley soon. I am currently having issue with green water at the moment. I cant seem to get rid of it. Have water changes weekly, obviously lighting is not an issue. i have an eheim filtration system. Not sure what else i can tell you.

Overfeeding? Substrate needs cleaning? Direct sunlight hits the tank? Other than that can't think of a reason for green water.

What do you use for lighting right now? Anything at all?
220g FW Community planted: SAE (5), Puntius denisonii (4), clown loach (2), Yoyo loach (3), kuhli loach (3), otocinclus affinis (2), rummynose tetra (3), harlequin rasbora (17), rope fish (1), glass catfish (3), bamboo shrimp (2), upside-down catfish (2), Chinese algae eater (2), rubber-lipped pleco (2), cherry shrimp (many)

55g FW Community planted: Black ghost knifefish (2), Armored bichir (2), banjo catfish (2),  Rosy tetra (2)


I have done every thing that has been suggested so far and it always comes back. I have nothing for a light right now. Over feeding is not an issue, direct sunlight either as I have taken the tank away to a darker spot.
I am going to be purchasing a t5 light this week for it and then plan on planting my tank, but not sure of the steps I should take for this?? any suggestions?


Depending on how strong the lighting is going to be, you might have to supplement with co2 and ferts as well. So you might want to research those first before getting a t5HO fixture. You can get single, dual or even quad bulb fixtures for your tank but all depends on how much lighting you want. More light means you need co2 and a fert dosing regime to keep plants happy and algae at bay. Otherwise most people are happy to stay with lowlight setups - less work.
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Add some fast growing plant to out complete with the algea. I uses to have the same issues. All you need to do is keep up with the water change and add in fast growing plant. Give the substrate a good vac and you will be fine after a week or 2
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


thanks for the tips, everything helps. Ill give it a try...any tips on hardy fast growing plants, that arent easily I guess you could say beginner plants


Hornwort, surface plant like duckweed, Azolla, or frog bite, also guppy grass is good too.
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


My angels ate my guppy grass!!!!  It's a nice delicate, fast growing plant though.  Look into hygro too :)  But plants that feed through the water column (floating plants) would compete the best with algae and block out the light.  Oh, and anacharis or elodea densa, awesome, fast growing, nutrient absorbing plant!!!!!!
Give me ShReD till I'm dEaD!!!


Valesneria!!  I don't have as much luck with plants and that stuff always seems to grow like mad.

I would suggest you get to the bottom of the green water though.  Even without plants, there's no reason it should be growing. 

How much are you feeding your fish?


thanks for the tips, i only feed them every second day not much at all and they seem to happy healthy fish, always moving around bright colors.


Quote from: mags28 on January 30, 2013, 05:16:31 PM
I have done every thing that has been suggested so far and it always comes back. I have nothing for a light right now. Over feeding is not an issue, direct sunlight either as I have taken the tank away to a darker spot.
I am going to be purchasing a t5 light this week for it and then plan on planting my tank, but not sure of the steps I should take for this?? any suggestions?
This thread caught my attention because I have the exact same tank and it will be a new planted tank. The one thing I noticed is that the light that comes with it is not nearly enough for this tank size. When looking around, I had to get a high output, double lighting T5 fixture. The rule of thumb for knowing how much light is 2 watts per gallon. Knowing this helps to choose your lighting fixture. Something that is not mentioned yet in this thread is your substrate. You will need to change your substrate to finer material..depending on what you choose, this will also dictate what you will need for ferts. I learned the hard way.

Also, for your algae...I noticed that you don't have a bottom crew and algae eaters. I personally got snails, tiger snails do a great job, and otocinclus (not sure of the spelling). But there's an imbalance somewhere, have you tested your water lately?


Have you cleaned or checked inside the filter lately?  Could it be clogged or gummed up providing poor water circulation?


Quote from: sylros on February 02, 2013, 03:46:04 PM
This thread caught my attention because I have the exact same tank and it will be a new planted tank. The one thing I noticed is that the light that comes with it is not nearly enough for this tank size. When looking around, I had to get a high output, double lighting T5 fixture. The rule of thumb for knowing how much light is 2 watts per gallon. Knowing this helps to choose your lighting fixture. Something that is not mentioned yet in this thread is your substrate. You will need to change your substrate to finer material..depending on what you choose, this will also dictate what you will need for ferts. I learned the hard way.

Also, for your algae...I noticed that you don't have a bottom crew and algae eaters. I personally got snails, tiger snails do a great job, and otocinclus (not sure of the spelling). But there's an imbalance somewhere, have you tested your water lately?

that rule only works on incadescent and T12  :D


I have the exact same tank also, and it is currently heavily planted.  I had to upgrade from t8 (25w) to t5 (39w) to get satisfactory growth.  With one t5, the colours are there, (like the red and pink plants) but I am sure more light is better.  Personally, I'm happy with the one.  But high output is definitely the way to go, to penetrate the water depth and reach the plants at the bottom.   

I have dirted that tank and capped it with regular gravel, and I only have problems with a bit of brown algae.  Certain snails love to eat this.

(Just so you know about how it worked for me, my red ruban and oriental swords are doing amazing with enough color, rotala is pink as it reaches closer to the surface, and the chain swords (low plants) grow slowly but steadily.)

I have tested for a while with different lighting and different plants, and found the t5s to be the best and most efficient for higher tanks.
Give me ShReD till I'm dEaD!!!


i am purchasing at t5 for my tank, i figured i would have to change my substrate as it is a red granite and everything i have read up on so far doesnt sugguest it. i havent checked my filter, but i will as soon as i get off of here. Its not as bad as before i have been keeping up on my water changes, i tested the water and everything was fine. good point on the bottom swimmers, i will get some and see if that also helps.


Oh, and to comment on the filter, imo, eheim is the best of the canister filters.  I have two eheims on two of my tanks, one is a 120g and it serves it's purpose perfectly, I am very happy with them, so I think you are fine there provided it is a big enough filter for your tank.
Give me ShReD till I'm dEaD!!!