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Radion vs. AI

Started by NanoSF, January 30, 2013, 07:21:57 PM

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So I know have officially had both running on my tank. The Radions have only been on for three days so no info on growth or anything from me. However there are many thing I can compare.

PAR: There are articles out there that suggest/show Radion is nowhere near twice as strong a light as the 130W vs. 72 (or so ) watt the AI is. The spread consistency is a little bit better, but the overall PAR numbers just don't show the Radion is any stronger.

Control: Radion has more control, or at least methods for control than AI. However I have found the software to be extremely glitchy. The controller for the AI is poorly made as far as I'm concerned too. I had a lot of trouble trying to set up my two Radions. After unplugging and rebooting the computer and unplugging the lights in many different combinations I finally got it to do what it should. There is very little in the way of info on how to use the software for the Radion for anything more than the most basic situations. Also, what is up with it being wireless to connect each light or a Vortech pump, but not wireless to connect to the computer?

Colour: Maybe the Radion is a bit better in the spectrum it covers, but there isn't much difference to the eye in my opinion. The red and green don't seem to do my for the eye, but again maybe it helps the spectrum.

Sexiness: Obviously the sleek look is a bit nicer on the Radion, but I wish they had the black AI when I bought mine. It would be fairly close if the AI where black, but the slimness is nicer I guess.

Fans: My biggest grief with the Radion is the fans. They say they are undetectable, but they most certainly are not. I can hear them over many other items in my tank. They add far more noise than my AI did. I never heard the AI unless I stood beside it.

Cost: AI wins here easily. Price difference does not justify the slight advantages the Radion has over the AI IMO.

There are probably a few other factors I am neglecting. Maybe the Radion is built better, but time will tell I guess. I know for sure it has a much more robust power supply. Does that mean it will last longer...don't know?

So if anyone has anything to add please share. So far I am glad I got Radions used. I was trying to add a second AI to my set up but the came across two Radions and decided I would go that way. I figured I will sell my one AI and controller to help pay for my two Radions. I might hold off on the though, I am not convinced of the Radions yet, and I just hate the fan noise. Even though it is not exactly loud I have put a LOT of effort into an almost silent system and now it is at least twice as loud as it was before the Radions.



Thanks for the comparison.  What AI's do you have?  The AI vegas?  Also G1 or G2 for the Radions?

180g mixed reef,
Mostly LPS with some SPS.
powder blue tang, Desjardin's sailfin tang, mandarin goby, clowns, lots of inverts


Interesting indeed! I am not sure what's up with your fans, but I cannot hear mine on my radion unless I put my ear right up to it. It is virtually silent. I also didn't have any programming issues, it was straightforward for me. Aside from that, I'd agree that if you are on a budget, the AIs are fantastic lights, and you'll get your corals to look just as cool under them.

The AI controllers do bug the heck out of me though!


Quote from: Wooki on January 30, 2013, 10:32:31 PM

Thanks for the comparison.  What AI's do you have?  The AI vegas?  Also G1 or G2 for the Radions?


Oh ya good point. Comparing both originals. AI Sol Blue, and G1

Chubs: How quiet is your tank? I think the fans sound normal, but my tank is virtually silent. To give perspective the next loudest thing I can hear is my Vortech MP20s that only run at 40-50% to keep the noise level down. If I turn them up it's too loud for me. Therefore the fans on the Radion are very much detectable. I hope there is something wrong with my fans, but many people online complain about how loud they are.


Ah I see! Yeah, my tank is probably nowhere near as silent as yours. I also have the G2 radion, and apparently it has a newer fan, so perhaps the noise level is slightly reduced. When I have my skimmer turned off (I turn it off if we are wathcing a movie in the living room) I can't hear the radion from a couple feet away. Part of that may just be that I'm choosing to ignore it. I'll check it out tonight and let you know!


I have to say Nano, I turned everything off aside from the light, and I can barely hear it right next to it. Sitting a few feet away from the tank, I hear nothing. I can feel the air suction and blowing. Perhaps it does come down to it being a G2, I'm not sure.


Quote from: Chubs on February 01, 2013, 12:57:29 PM
I have to say Nano, I turned everything off aside from the light, and I can barely hear it right next to it. Sitting a few feet away from the tank, I hear nothing. I can feel the air suction and blowing. Perhaps it does come down to it being a G2, I'm not sure.

Okay maybe I will look into if there is a difference in the G2 fans. If so I might just have to buy a pair and switch. Thanks for posting.


The g2 is just as loud as the g1. The only way you can quiet them down is to not run at the higher percentage. If you hear your mp's you will hear the radions. Im a radion (echotec)supporter I wanted a silent tank but went with tunze and vertex because both are silent. People often ask me how's your tank so quiet! It's the trouble with the smaller led units,they run hotter because less surface area to remove heat. None the less the radions are I think the best light on the market for the money.


The AI has a bigger heat sink and therefore a quieter fan. This makes a lot more sense to me. It's not like space is an issue when dealing with leds. Why make such a small heat sink on the Radion unit and have to run the fans so strong? I think the AI is a much better value.


You will need more units on a bigger tank with the ai than the radion as they dont have as much spread. so keep that in mind as well.  ;)


The PAR numbers suggest that the spread is only very minimally better on Radion. Not to mention that this was comparing them at the same height. Since the AI has much better PAR numbers in the centre, if you place the AI a bit higher it will still have strong PAR penetration in the centre and give just as good of a spread. Plus three AI for the price of two Radion gives AI better spread per dollar.


I'm sold......where do I buy these ai's lol.  :P


Quote from: NanoSF on February 06, 2013, 08:13:17 PM
The PAR numbers suggest that the spread is only very minimally better on Radion. Not to mention that this was comparing them at the same height. Since the AI has much better PAR numbers in the centre, if you place the AI a bit higher it will still have strong PAR penetration in the centre and give just as good of a spread. Plus three AI for the price of two Radion gives AI better spread per dollar.

To the naked eye I see a huge difference I see a HUGE difference in my friends AI and My radion. I am not sure what optics he has in his AI but 2 isn't enough to cover his 55 breeder even closely to evenly with his AI's over a foot off the water while my Radion can cover closer 30-32 inches wide.

I have to agree, the software for the radion is glitchy/buggy (the web version isn't any better), but the AI controller is very cheap and while being more reliable, it is more painful to program with.

One thing I feel you failed to mention is that the radion has a superb upgrade path. You could currently buy a used Gen 1 unit and upgrade it to a G2 or even a pro should you chose. I do not believe you have the option to convert an AI sol in to a Vega (but I could be wrong).


Hi I was speaking w/ AI on Monday.They will have a wireless upgrade to Vega available.At this time they do not have a release date



Quote from: Aquaticfinatic on February 06, 2013, 10:53:48 PM
I'm sold......where do I buy these ai's lol.  :P
check the classifieds ;-)


rgauvin I can't believe that someone with two AIs over a 55 gallon doesn't have enough light. I saw 2 AIs over a 90 gallon and it looked great. So nice and bright and well covered. Plus they topped out at about 60% power. I was surprised when I saw this, but a 55 gallon should be very easily lit. I had one over my 33 gallon and it was pretty well lit other than the shadow effect of light coming from the middle only. Strength wise it was never over 60% either. So plenty of power to spare.

Upgrades from Sol to Vega are not possible I do not believe so that is a valid point.


Quote from: groupie02 on February 07, 2013, 04:29:09 PM
check the classifieds ;-)
Sorry I let my sarcasm out. Like I said I'm radion all the way!  ;D


Quote from: NanoSF on February 07, 2013, 04:47:41 PM
rgauvin I can't believe that someone with two AIs over a 55 gallon doesn't have enough light. I saw 2 AIs over a 90 gallon and it looked great. So nice and bright and well covered. Plus they topped out at about 60% power. I was surprised when I saw this, but a 55 gallon should be very easily lit. I had one over my 33 gallon and it was pretty well lit other than the shadow effect of light coming from the middle only. Strength wise it was never over 60% either. So plenty of power to spare.

Upgrades from Sol to Vega are not possible I do not believe so that is a valid point.

call me a liar for all I care... His lights are a foot above the water line and he has to watch what he puts int he middle of the tank as he has a large "cone of darkness"  in the middle and the ends are dim already. Maybe if he raised them up farther he'd get better coverage, but I was very disappointed in the coverage from his lights.

I don't know if he had too many 40 degree optics or if your buddy had a more then the normal 70's, but the stock coverage my friend has sucks with his AI


My good friend, (who I should get to post pictures!) runs 2 older AI units over his 55 long. There are no dark spots, he has AMAZING growth on his SPS, massive anemones, etc etc. I am a big fan of the AIs myself. I also love my Radion.

I can barely hear my fan guys. It isn't loud at all. When I turn everything, and I mean everything else off, I can't hear my fan from my couch. Call me crazy, you're more than welcome to come check it out for yourself!

In any case, this "AI vs. Radion" battle has gone on consistently on all marine fish forums, in tons of different threads. So many people with so many different personal stories, strong points and faults for each light. And once someone has a favorite in mind, rarely do they change it. I think they are both solid fixtures.



Quote from: Chubs on February 08, 2013, 09:34:54 AM
My good friend, (who I should get to post pictures!) runs 2 older AI units over his 55 long.

WOW... 2 AIs on a 55 long...  I had a 55 long, and it doesn't take a lot to light those guys!!!  I'm sure that everything in there LOVES all that light!!!!!! 

When I pull the trigger on a light upgrade, I'll be looking for AI for sure... 90G, 48"... 2 AIs will do the trick nicely.