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No action in saltwater ?? And classifieds

Started by bandit, February 08, 2013, 12:00:13 AM

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What's going on there has been no action in the saltwater section for months seems its the same 5 guys that post????

What can we do to improve this? What about signs or banners for ovas at our supporting venders??

I have also noticed the classified section is very slow??? What's going on. One would be led to believe the member fee is to high so it's not worth the hassle.

What's going on ovas??


I have to agree with Bandit. I used to be able to sell corals no problem on here. A few years ago I sold $400 worth in one weekend. Now, after a couple of hundred views I am lucky if I can sell one $20 frag. Well, that will at least cover my membership.  :-\ Something has happened here that really needs to be fixed. Anybody have any thoughts on this?
180 gallon reef. 250 lbs live rock. Mostly LPS and softies with some SPS. Show fish are Blonde Naso, Emperor Angel, mated Ocellaris clowns. 504 watt LEDs..


I would agree with percula99 that his sell are down because there is 50% less people visiting the site.  I'm a non member and I can't even have access to give stuff away for FREE. So I'm posting FREE stuff on Kijiji , I would rather give it to an OVAS member.   I understand completely when selling stuff but giving it away.

Anyhow I think I should at least have acces to "Free" section in the classified Ads.

7 tanks running of African cichlids


I too have been wondering what is going on with at least in the classifieds. If has taken me forever to if at all to sell some equipment on the classifieds. Nothing really seems to be moving. It looks like its down to one page and the bottom add is over a month old. I know when I first came on this board, the first page would be mostly new adds and a month old add would be barried on page 3 or 4 at least. Its not just corals but all seem to be suffering trying to sell on ovas classifieds. Thought maybe the economy or more people downsizing but there have been crazy good deals and nothing selling. Also notice that there is really no a lot of action in many of the threads. What once was what I thought and amazing forum for the local area is really dwindled in acton. Is there just not many new people coming to the hobby as I heard from one store. Is it even the site. As I have seen quite the drop in people at the stores, where once were insane on shipment days now just a few. Another example is look at bigs box week sale. I remember if you didn't get there almost on opening of boxing day all istant ocean would be gone, now you can show up the next day and still get some. I will say this though there is more people trying to sell aquarium stuff on kijiji that I notice here.


In regards to selling equipment on the classifieds, I think that most of the salt people here are all set up and probably not looking to get anyone's used stuff.  Most people just starting up don't even know about OVAS and the forum until after they have most of their equipment too.  There are some exceptions, of course...

So ya... Trying to sell items here will be slow because there's not a huge number of people actively looking for things.  It's certainly nice to give people on the forum first shot at things, but if you want to hit more people with your ads, you are better off on Kijiji for a quicker sale...

When I'm trying to sell something in a hurry, I take into account the fact that what I'm selling is USED.  USED items should not be priced the same as new - no matter how little use it actually had.  I tend to price things at 50% of what I paid, knowing that I'm going to take a loss - but at least it will have sold.

Selling frags and fish, I'd imagine that if prices were set a little lower in the classifieds, people might be more inclined to jump on it.  $40 for a Bubble tip anemone is what I'd pay at a store, so I'd expect a little break buying direct from someone on the classifieds.

I look at the classifieds daily, but I haven't seen anything worth pursuing... The few things I did see ended up sold quickly.


Quote from: Greatwhite on February 08, 2013, 10:32:48 AM
In regards to selling equipment on the classifieds, I think that most of the salt people here are all set up and probably not looking to get anyone's used stuff.  Most people just starting up don't even know about OVAS and the forum until after they have most of their equipment too.  There are some exceptions, of course...

So ya... Trying to sell items here will be slow because there's not a huge number of people actively looking for things.  It's certainly nice to give people on the forum first shot at things, but if you want to hit more people with your ads, you are better off on Kijiji for a quicker sale...

When I'm trying to sell something in a hurry, I take into account the fact that what I'm selling is USED.  USED items should not be priced the same as new - no matter how little use it actually had.  I tend to price things at 50% of what I paid, knowing that I'm going to take a loss - but at least it will have sold.

Selling frags and fish, I'd imagine that if prices were set a little lower in the classifieds, people might be more inclined to jump on it.  $40 for a Bubble tip anemone is what I'd pay at a store, so I'd expect a little break buying direct from someone on the classifieds.

I look at the classifieds daily, but I haven't seen anything worth pursuing... The few things I did see ended up sold quickly.
I agree with this 100% all too often people take what "they paid" and try to recoup as much of that cost as possible, in the sellers mind its a great deal. you can get this for 10% less then retail, but we often forget, that retail something is new and comes with a manufacture warranty for hardgoods. Take into consideration the time you had it, say you paid 100 for an item, and have had it for 3 2 years, your cost to enjoy said item was $50 a year, so selling it at $90 I would not buy it, selling at 50 I would, during this time you have gotten your moneys worth, it is not just about what it cost you, its about what you got out of it as well. frags if you are selling frags the same price as a store, I would rather go to the store to help promote local business, the frag you have may have started as a frag and you grew it out and have enjoyed it and now would like to frag it, consider retail has a lot more overhead than you, they have to run a business, they have to pay for the import so yes they have to sell higher, so your deal all considered is not a deal, I myself have sold frags on here for what I felt were a great price, I have often sold my anenmome clones for 20-30, I just recently sold one to someone on used O for $35 the dude came to my house wouldn't you know there happened to be 2 nems on the rock, so he got them both for $35. Yes we all like to make money, I bought said nem for $25, and it has cloned numerous times, so when I can sell them I sell them cheap (these are nice nems too) I think all too often we forget we are not business owners we are hobbyists, and maybe should conisder paying it forward, when I sell frags I often give other frags I have as well, just because I have lots of it but thats just me I guess =)


You also need to take into account the whole "supply and demand" concept.  If you have a one of a kind item that NO store will ever have - set your own price.  But if you're selling guppies, you should look at market value and go from there.

I had a Deltec MCE 600 that I paid $500 for, and had it shipped to me from Vancouver when I started.  I used it for 8 months, and then it sat in storage after being cleaned and restored to "as new" condition.  A few years later, I was on another forum and someone asked where to get a good HOB skimmer.  I told him about that model, and that I had one.  To buy them new at that time, I think they were about $350.  BUT, no one had any in stock.  So I sold him mine for $300, and shipped it to Kitchener "free".

If that skimmer was available at any local store, I would certainly have reduced my price to $150...  He still got it under the cost of new, but no warranty, and only blind trust in my word that it was in NEW condition... (And a video on Youtube showing it work)  He was still leery about buying a used skimmer for so much, but when he got it, he was VERY happy with his purchase.

If a BTA is available in stores at $40, a good selling price is, as Darth mentioned, $20-$30ish.  But, if your anemone drops a baby who mutates into a unique color, or gains the ability to talk - well, jack the price up! No store has a talking anemone!

Keep in mind that some certain stores have their fish prices WAAAAY off, so keep this in mind when looking for market value of what you are selling...  Smaller LFS set good prices...


As I mentioned previously, one weekend a few years ago I sold $400 worth of corals. I have not changed my pricing but now I can't sell anything. I have a piece of green acro that MS would sell for $80 plus tax. I am asking $35, no tax so I don't think I am expecting too much. And I know they have to charge tax, that is part of doing business commercially. All my other corals are priced likewise. Achilles tried to sell a 210 aquarium for $400, including canopy and stand. It took him six months and several postings, and I know that is a unique item. The point being that a few years ago you could sell thing on OVAS, but it seems sales have dried up on this site. The question from the original poster was why has this happened. There are some people who do ask too much, but not all do. You seem to be saying everyone asks too much that is why no one sells anything. I disagree with your rationale. People have pointed to the fact you need to a paying member to post. Fine, I am a paying member. I buy my OVAS membership every year. I get discounts at some LFS in town. That's great for me and I thank the vendors who offer it. I think you have explained why some people don't sell any longer, but you have missed the mark for why overall sales have droppped on this site. That is the question that was asked and that is the question that needs to be answered.
180 gallon reef. 250 lbs live rock. Mostly LPS and softies with some SPS. Show fish are Blonde Naso, Emperor Angel, mated Ocellaris clowns. 504 watt LEDs..


I don't believe the mark was missed at all, I reg check other local classified sections on other sites, and the amount of sw items have reduced all around, I believe as stated before by Greatwhite its supply and demand, a lot of the people on this forum are seasoned, and have no need for frags they have their own they are trying to sell. I dont think there is a particular reason classifieds here are slow, as I stated they are slow all around, a year ago is a long time in this hobby all those frags you sold to people have prob grown out by now, and they have no need. And dont forgot how many people leave the sw hobby because of cost, or moving or whatever, I don't believe the lull in the classifieds has anything to do with just members only, as anyone can pm a poster who is selling something, it seems to be more of a seller being upset, as opposed to a buyer who can't find anything


Its not only, that things are moving new things are not even available, i would love to buy and trade items but theres nothing there....

I try and price items at what I would get store credit for them, just giving the chance for someone else. I would almost prefer to trade and help others out.

But there is an issue on here that needs to be resolved WE NEED TO GET MORE MEMBERS There should be a sign at our LFS for OVAS

Its not only the classifieds its the whole salt water section.


More members would definitely help, but I must agree with Darth, there are less people in the hobby and it is due in part to the high cost of being successful. That being said I spoke with MS last week and was told they have seen an upswing in new people over the past year. That is a positive sign. Maybe things can pick up.

In another thread on OVAS (See link below) a non member poster was saying he found he couldn't post in the FREE section. He was told if he didn't want to be a member to go post on Kijiji or Used Ottawa. I found that to be a little negative. It might have been more useful to inform him of the benefits of being a member. Maybe he would have seen the light and paid for a membership. A membership drive could help that. Like Bandit said, have signs at LFS to promote that.

I used to be a member on...dare I say it...Aquaria. Most people left that site and came to OVAS. I don't want to see the same thing happen here for salties like us.
180 gallon reef. 250 lbs live rock. Mostly LPS and softies with some SPS. Show fish are Blonde Naso, Emperor Angel, mated Ocellaris clowns. 504 watt LEDs..


Quote from: percula99 on February 08, 2013, 02:36:01 PM
More members would definitely help, but I must agree with Darth, there are less people in the hobby and it is due in part to the high cost of being successful. That being said I spoke with MS last week and was told they have seen an upswing in new people over the past year. That is a positive sign. Maybe things can pick up.

In another thread on OVAS (See link below) a non member poster was saying he found he couldn't post in the FREE section. He was told if he didn't want to be a member to go post on Kijiji or Used Ottawa. I found that to be a little negative. It might have been more useful to inform him of the benefits of being a member. Maybe he would have seen the light and paid for a membership. A membership drive could help that. Like Bandit said, have signs at LFS to promote that.

I used to be a member on...dare I say it...Aquaria. Most people left that site and came to OVAS. I don't want to see the same thing happen here for salties like us.
yes I was a member of the other forum as well, and found this one more lively, so decided to just come here, I agree with the other poster being told to go to other sites was wrong, its like going into a bell store, and being told to go to telus, because they don't have home phone LOL , and as pointed out perhaps the sponsers can have a sign such as proud sponsor of ovas that may bring more attention here, and also not for nothing maybe its just me, but I have noticed there has been a lot more politics here than there was say 2 years ago, this also turns off new people, when they post and get berated with a good scolding  >:(


Quote from: percula99 on February 08, 2013, 01:26:41 PM
The question from the original poster was why has this happened. There are some people who do ask too much, but not all do. You seem to be saying everyone asks too much that is why no one sells anything. I disagree with your rationale.

Sorry, I didn't say that everyone posts for too much, so nothing is selling.  I'm saying that lots of people who are looking for things is looking for the amazing deal and "good" deals are being passed on.  If I don't NEED something, I'm not going to buy it unless it's an amazing deal.  AND, most amazing deals are gone by the time I see them.

Yes, more members would be great, but I don't think that Ottawa has as many salties as say Toronto.  There are some sponsors who sell the memberships in their stores (Fishtail being one), and I'm sure I'm not the only person who will direct people to the forum when they are starting up if I happen to be in a store while they're buying everything in sight.

So how DO you get members?  Advertise?  Does OVAS have the budget to advertise?  I'm not sure that I'd want my annual membership fee to increase so that we can put an ad on the radio, but that's just me.


Just a  note regarding membership: we did a lot of work in the fall to recruit new people, and we succeeded. We currently have around 125 paid members - more than twice the amount we had last year...


Quote from: ajm1961 on February 08, 2013, 07:00:03 PM
Just a  note regarding membership: we did a lot of work in the fall to recruit new people, and we succeeded. We currently have around 125 paid members - more than twice the amount we had last year...

there ya go.. then the answer is that no one is looking to buy & sell much these days.  Spring cleaning might boost activity... and tax returns. :)


I have also noticed a decline in the activity of OVAS...let me restate that, a dramatic decline in the activity on OVAS. I honestly believe that a large portion of the decline can be attributed to the removal of non paying members' ability to post in the classifieds. I do understand the reasoning behind the removal of the privilege, but I feel like it had a detrimental effect on OVAS. The way I see it, those who come to view classifieds often find themselves surfing and contributing to the forums aswell. In addition if someone is searching for a part for their aquarium one of the first stops is google. If you type into google a part that is listed on OVAS, it posts a link to OVAS, thus spreading the society.

Before I became a member of OVAS I was a member of KWAS in Kitchener. KWAS recently underwent a massive renovation as its server had become overwhelmed. I want everyone to realize that the population of Ottawa is ~900 000 while the population of Kitchener is ~250 000. While the KWAS forum is highly active and growing ours has stagnated. Now I can't say for certain that the classifieds issue is the reason this, what I can say is that the KWAS classifieds forum is free for anyone to post while ours you must be a paying member. In addition I found that the posting frequency went down around the time the classified section permissions changed.

Although the paying member count may have increased the activity on the forum has decreased. The forum leads to the paying member not the other way around.
Just my two cents, or should it be nickel now?


Quote from: delslo on February 08, 2013, 10:12:17 PM
I have also noticed a decline in the activity of OVAS...let me restate that, a dramatic decline in the activity on OVAS. I honestly believe that a large portion of the decline can be attributed to the removal of non paying members' ability to post in the classifieds. I do understand the reasoning behind the removal of the privilege, but I feel like it had a detrimental effect on OVAS. The way I see it, those who come to view classifieds often find themselves surfing and contributing to the forums aswell. In addition if someone is searching for a part for their aquarium one of the first stops is google. If you type into google a part that is listed on OVAS, it posts a link to OVAS, thus spreading the society.

Before I became a member of OVAS I was a member of KWAS in Kitchener. KWAS recently underwent a massive renovation as its server had become overwhelmed. I want everyone to realize that the population of Ottawa is ~900 000 while the population of Kitchener is ~250 000. While the KWAS forum is highly active and growing ours has stagnated. Now I can't say for certain that the classifieds issue is the reason this, what I can say is that the KWAS classifieds forum is free for anyone to post while ours you must be a paying member. In addition I found that the posting frequency went down around the time the classified section permissions changed.

Although the paying member count may have increased the activity on the forum has decreased. The forum leads to the paying member not the other way around.
Just my two cents, or should it be nickel now?

Despite everything that has been said in this thread, I think you have hit the nail on the head. I used to sell things on OVAS all the time, but as soon as they started insisting you be a paying member to post, sales have just stopped.
180 gallon reef. 250 lbs live rock. Mostly LPS and softies with some SPS. Show fish are Blonde Naso, Emperor Angel, mated Ocellaris clowns. 504 watt LEDs..


Quote from: percula99 on February 08, 2013, 10:48:59 PM
Despite everything that has been said in this thread, I think you have hit the nail on the head. I used to sell things on OVAS all the time, but as soon as they started insisting you be a paying member to post, sales have just stopped.

I've noticed that salty discussion dwindling here too (I have a membership)
I think some people didn't like the OVAS membership requirement to sell on the OVAS site, so they created some face book groups that are quite active with discussion, lots of group buys, and a few people selling things.

link removed
180g mixed reef,
Mostly LPS with some SPS.
powder blue tang, Desjardin's sailfin tang, mandarin goby, clowns, lots of inverts


Quote from: Wooki on February 08, 2013, 11:21:05 PM
I've noticed that salty discussion dwindling here too (I have a membership)
I think some people didn't like the OVAS membership requirement to sell on the OVAS site, so they created some face book groups that are quite active with discussion, lots of group buys, and a few people selling things.

link removed

I had joined this group, but had left because of the negativity towards here, I was tired of the name calling and all around immaturity, maybe it's changed who knows


Since then, no one is aloud to talk about ovas
Any comments against ovas will be deleted :)
370g System

220g tank, 65g Sump. octopus Cone skimmer xp-5000, vertex zf-30 nitrate reactor, RX6 DUO Ca reactor, Mp60w Ecotech pump, 2x 400w MH XM bulbs 15k. All controlled with DA RKE-net controller, Water Blaster HY-3000 return pump, Vertex Zf-15/Carbon, Vertex Zf-15/GFO