Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

OVAS May election is coming

Started by charlie, February 13, 2013, 05:00:25 PM

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Hello OVAS`ers, just wanted to remind all the annual OVAS election is fast approaching, please take sometime to consider stepping up & offering your help as an exec. of this long serving club.
All that is required it that you are paying member in good standing.
You are free to use this thread to state you intentions, questions about the club.
Please refrain from drifting off to non related topics - they will be removed.


Last years thread should ansewer most questions so let`s reference it.


Come on guys , OVAs needs volunteers to try & implement some of the good ideas been suggested, ideas are great but they cannot bare fruit unless we have the volunteers to make it happen.



I would put my name forward for Treasurer or Library Chair but I am not sure who is coming back this year and am offering more to help fill any vacancies. I would be happy to help where I can. If people post where they are willing to go on for another year that would be appreciated.

The reason I mention those two positions is more that I think I would be able to do it without significant training or help in learning the ins and outs of the exec as I have taken financial courses in University and am an avid reader and have worked at chapters before so organizing books is not an issue.

- Jonathan Herstead
Current Set-Up: Mixed Reef 250g DT + 100g in Sump
Inhabitants: 2 Snowflake Clowns, 8 Bimac Anthias, 2 Mandarin Dragonets, Vigratus Rabbit Fish, Flame Angel, Purple Chromis, Atlantic Blue Tang, Sailfin Tang and lots of inverts.
Next Step: Set up controller and ATO. Really need to do this.


I will not be running for Auction Chair again.
It would be handy if the next person that took over could program.
A new program may be needed.


I know basic programming and could pick up what was needed most likely. I am just wondering what is the scope of Auction Chair? I know it probably means organizing volunteers, registration of items, float etc. but what about venue or tables or costs and logistics surrounding the main event?

Just wondering what I would be getting into if I ran for auction chair is all.

- Jonathan Herstead
Current Set-Up: Mixed Reef 250g DT + 100g in Sump
Inhabitants: 2 Snowflake Clowns, 8 Bimac Anthias, 2 Mandarin Dragonets, Vigratus Rabbit Fish, Flame Angel, Purple Chromis, Atlantic Blue Tang, Sailfin Tang and lots of inverts.
Next Step: Set up controller and ATO. Really need to do this.


Quote from: Herstead on April 17, 2013, 02:00:15 PM
I know basic programming and could pick up what was needed most likely. I am just wondering what is the scope of Auction Chair? I know it probably means organizing volunteers, registration of items, float etc. but what about venue or tables or costs and logistics surrounding the main event?

Just wondering what I would be getting into if I ran for auction chair is all.

- Jonathan Herstead

The items in bold are handled by the exec as a whole, and by the program chair (volunteers, layout) and the treasurer (float, costs) specifically. 

Essentially the auction chair ensures the software and printing equipment is in working order before the auction, then handles the registration of items and the actual auction. It's allot of prep for one huge day :)
I haz reef tanks.


I am putting my name forward to take on the position of Vice President for the upcoming season.
I have now two years experience on the Executive as Newsletter Chair. During the first year period I published 4 newsletters that were well received. This past year I have been busy with several aspects of the club, including:

  • membership drive at La Niche, Farmer's Market, and Aqua Valley
  • organization of the annual season opening "Garage Sale" and all monthly meetings
  • organization and set-up of our booth at PetExpo
  • organization of AquaMania, and participation as auctionneer
  • design of OVAS pop-up banner, and design, printing and distribution of flyers for all major events this year

I have several years experience as national program manager at Canadian Blood Services, which I can leverage to successfully assume the responsibilities and leadership role of this position.

My priorities for this coming year are:

  • Establish further procedures and guidelines to ensure smooth operations and easier transition for new exec members
  • Build and develop our exec team and volunteer base, and assure stability in our club's leadership
  • Assist in directing the organization of AquaMania 2014, which would also be the highlight of our celebrations for OVAS' 60th anniversary
  • Support the President and the Exec team in all initiatives to improve the club, reach out to our membership and the community, and promote this great hobby

Thank you for reading, and for considering my candidacy.
Andre Martin


I would like to put my name forward to take on the position of Treasurer for the 2013/2014 season.

2012/2013 was my first year on the Executive as Library Chair, Head of the Moderation team and most recently acting as Treasurer after the departure of Fishnut.  During the past 8 months I have helped the Executive as we attempted to expand knowledge of the club in the Ottawa region and provide meaningful interactions to its forum and club members.

This past year I have been busy with several aspects of the club, including:
- organization of the annual season opening "Garage Sale" and all monthly meetings
- organization and set-up of our booth at PetExpo
- organization of AquaMania, and participation in terms of setup, volunteer activities, ensuring smooth running of events and handling all monies collected at the event
- modernizing the library book tracking system (moved online) and currently modernizing the OVAS accounting practices to an electronic version

As an Enterprise Systems Engineer at Dell Computers, I design large scale computer systems and software implementations and manage interactions with Federal Government customers. As a result I have a strong business acumen and interpersonal skills.

My priorities for this coming year are:
- Finalize modernization of club finances and ensure system can be easily used by future members of the executive, regardless of skillset
- Build and develop our exec team and volunteer base, and assure stability in our club's leadership
- Assist in directing the organization of AquaMania 2014, which would also be the highlight of our    celebrations for OVAS' 60th anniversary
- Support the President and the Exec team in all initiatives to improve the club, reach out to our membership and the community, and promote this great hobby

Thank you for reading, and for considering me for the upcoming season.

Stuart Seemungal
I haz reef tanks.


I am seeking re- election as President for the 2014 season.
I have served in the exec. at different times in several capacities - Program chairperson, membership chairperson,Public & corporate chairperson,Vice President & President for this season.
I have been instrumental in the following this year.
membership drives 
public awareness of the club at several places
the opening event
A presence at PetExpo
Networking speakers, sponsors , Manufacture exhibits for Aquamania.

I would like to continue enhancing the success the club enjoyed this season & making Aquamania 2014 bigger & better for the clubs 60 TH anniversary.
Thank you for having me as the President for the 2012 - 2013 season & your repeat consideration for the 2013-2014
Errol Choo


Hello Everyone,

After talking it over with my wife, I have decided to run for the Auction Chair.

I know I am new to the club this year and am still getting to know everyone, but I want to help out where I can. I have computer system and programming knowledge which should help keep the registration and organisational process running smoothly.

My degree is in Manufacturing Engineering and Management which included organizational methods, logistics and planning meetings.

I also have some experience on planning activities from when I was a junior leader with the Scouts in high school.

Thank you for your consideration.

- Jonathan Herstead
Current Set-Up: Mixed Reef 250g DT + 100g in Sump
Inhabitants: 2 Snowflake Clowns, 8 Bimac Anthias, 2 Mandarin Dragonets, Vigratus Rabbit Fish, Flame Angel, Purple Chromis, Atlantic Blue Tang, Sailfin Tang and lots of inverts.
Next Step: Set up controller and ATO. Really need to do this.


Greetings All,

Tonight I'd like to let you all know that I'm putting my name forward for the position of Library Chair.

My ambitions for the 2013-2014 OVAS year include:
-Begin a review the library books for information that is incorrect or out-of-date and providing notices with the books regarding such information (starting with salt water)
-Work on consolidating a link library of useful information across all kinds of topics
-Contribute to making Aquamania 2014 a fantastic event (in particular: helping with venue procurement, logistics and volunteering where needed)

Hopefully Jon and I will also have time to get our 250g reef system running and stocked  ;)

Thank you for your consideration,

Stephanie Herstead


I am putting my name forward as Membership chair again. This has been a great building year!  This year I helped the club run several membership drives, streamlined the membership process and also increased membership to almost 200 members! I want to continue the trend and build on club membership for next year also!



Upon consultation with the exec, I am changing my application to that of OVAS Secretary.

I will work to make AquaMania 2014 Awesome!



So far, we have nominations for:
President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Chair and Auction Chair.

We're still looking for nominations for the following:
- Breeder (BAP/AHAP) Chair
- Library Chair
- Social Convenor
- Program Director
- Newsletter Chair

Let's make 2013-2014 the best year ever!!



Unfortunately I will not be coming back as the Breeding Chair.
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


Hello everyone,

I would like to be considered for the Program Chair again for next season, to have the opportunity to continue what was started and to make Aquamania an even bigger success. Hopefully you have enjoyed the diverse agenda throughout the year and learned a few things along the way.


Quote from: ajm1961 on April 19, 2013, 09:25:10 AM
I am putting my name forward to take on the position of Vice President for the upcoming season.
I have now two years experience on the Executive as Newsletter Chair. During the first year period I published 4 newsletters that were well received. This past year I have been busy with several aspects of the club, including:

  • membership drive at La Niche, Farmer's Market, and Aqua Valley
  • organization of the annual season opening "Garage Sale" and all monthly meetings
  • organization and set-up of our booth at PetExpo
  • organization of AquaMania, and participation as auctionneer
  • design of OVAS pop-up banner, and design, printing and distribution of flyers for all major events this year

I have several years experience as national program manager at Canadian Blood Services, which I can leverage to successfully assume the responsibilities and leadership role of this position.

My priorities for this coming year are:

  • Establish further procedures and guidelines to ensure smooth operations and easier transition for new exec members
  • Build and develop our exec team and volunteer base, and assure stability in our club's leadership
  • Assist in directing the organization of AquaMania 2014, which would also be the highlight of our celebrations for OVAS' 60th anniversary
  • Support the President and the Exec team in all initiatives to improve the club, reach out to our membership and the community, and promote this great hobby

Thank you for reading, and for considering my candidacy.
Andre Martin

... and you wear a shark on your head very well ...  :P

Cichlids: With great challenges come great rewards


Thanks... I think... 8)
Cheers Zenin - hope all is well in KWAS-land!

And hey everyone, still looking for volunteers...
see you all Monday!



I would like to put my name down as Auction Chair.

Being an OVAS member since 2006, I have supported the clubs in various ways, as volunteer, former executive, webdude, or simply by sharing the vibe with other fellow fish and plant nuts in the hobby.

I have also attended at every Giant Auction in this period, often as volunteer. I also visited auctions of many other aquarium clubs, which gives me a pretty good idea on how things could run on the big day. And while we have always had a great event in the past couple of years, I would like to improve on this to make the auction even better for everyone. There exists already a pool of ideas, and a group of folks that is willing to assist to realize them.

Besides, what is an election without any voting at all. :)

be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031