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48gal stocking Q's

Started by Jim, November 13, 2005, 09:11:43 PM

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I have a list of fish i want to have in my tank and i would like to see if anyone thinks that some fish wouldnt get allong or if there are nicer alternatives.

- 4 angels
- 5 dwarf neon rainbow fish (2 male 3 female)
- 6 cories
- 3 SAE
- 10 cardinal tetras
- 8 harlequin rasboras
- 3 dwarf gouramies (1 male 2 female)
- 6 keyhole cichlids
- 10 black neon tetras
-1 synodontis catfish that looks like this forget what its called...

tell me what you think!



It sounds like it will be a very nice tank.
I don't think too many things intimidate angels.



:D  thanks Julie

as long as they don't fit in there mouth  :)


Quote from: "Jim"1 synodontis catfish that looks like this forget what its called...

Synodontis Eupterus = Feather-Fin Synodontis Catfish.

These guys need a higher pH and hardness than some of the other fish you have listed, might be the only real concern.  Synodontis' rock.


ok thanks maby i'll put it in another tank or give it to a friend.


You said you wanted Cories?? They will share the bottom with your Syno. so they MIGHT get picked on by the Syno.

Also, the syno. MIGHT consider your Cardinals and/or Black Neons as lunch.


Syno eupterus get quite large as well.


Probably not, actually.  Syno's are mostly scavengers, they are pretty timid.  I doubt it would pick on anything.  The cories might actually pick on HIM.


Quote from: "darkdep"
Quote from: "Jim"1 synodontis catfish that looks like this forget what its called...

Synodontis Eupterus = Feather-Fin Synodontis Catfish.

These guys need a higher pH and hardness than some of the other fish you have listed, might be the only real concern.  Synodontis' rock.

Sorry Dark, I have to disagree with you.  I have 6 Synodontis Eupterus in slightly acidic water with a hardness of 120ppm that are doing fine.  I've had them for 3 months now and one has more then tripled in size (bought at 1inch, now at 3.5inch).

Darkdep has a Synodontis Multipunctatus (Cuckoo Cat) that does require a higher pH (and looks so much better).  Here is a link to the Eupterus.

Jim, I may be selling a few of my featherfins.  They are showing the sub-adult pattering and are 2"-3" long.  Let me know if you are interested.

Mike S


Quatro:  You're right! I spoke too soon.  Thought the other Syno species were fairly similar to the Multipunctatus.  Last time I make such an assumption.   :oops:


Maybe it's just me, but...

Your tank sounds very overstocked.  I count about ~90 inches worth of fish in there.

I'm sure it's doable, just be sure to account for over-filtration and lots of water changes.

My $0.02.


Yeah I thought the same myself, but I'm not really one to talk about over-sticking.


Yah, Matt, I know what you mean.  When I had my 10g tropical, it was the same, and I never had any problems.  Overstocking is VERY doable, and I knew as I was writing the post that I was probably lecturing a seasoned fish veteran... but it can't hurt to point it out anyway.  I guess I'm still in "teaching" mode from work this weekend!


Quote from: "squeeker"I guess I'm still in "teaching" mode from work this weekend!

"So if I buy this 10 gallon tank tell me EXACTLY how many fish I can put in it!"

People.  :roll:

I also got the sense that the tank was a bit heavily stocked. But as long as filtration is adequate it should be fine. (My 38 gal is overstocked but I have double the recommended filtration and do water changes every two or three days.)

I've seen angels be nasty to gouramis before. Maybe just personally experience. I'm sure lots of folks have had success with the two.

Also... Cories being aggressive darkdep? I have NEVER seen or heard of these cute little guys picking on anything!


Please Note:  That statement was made by someone who has no experience with cories.  :)

Forgive me, I'm VERY new to this whole "community tank" stuff.  Coming from all Africans I sort of assume that everything will peck at everything :lol:


Nope, there are some fish that will leave all other fish alone and mind their business. Shocking, I know, but true :-)


I am of the general opinion that most all fish can or will be aggressive. I've seen guppies tear each other apart. And we all know the tendencies of most cichlids. So on and so forth... But cories? I've never seen them be mean or pester anything and I've had them around for quite a while now. Love the little guys.


Ok, I guess I will have to punish myself by getting some cories for my planted tank as repentance for calling them aggressive.  :lol:


i'm running an AC 70 and a sponge filter.


Well I would suggest small water cahnges every couple weeks.