Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

My fert schedule

Started by alexv, March 14, 2013, 11:13:12 PM

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After battling algae problems for a few years I ended up once again cleaning the whole tank and replanting it. I just got a dosing pump to help doze fertilizers at regular intervals so I don't miss it...

I wanted to run my dosing schedule by some of more experienced planted tank owners to see whether I'm in a ballpark with my parameters.

So, it's a 220 gallon tank in my living room with a 40 gallon sump in the basement. The total water volume of the system I estimated to be 210 gallons (800 litres). It is running on a constant water change (drip system) with flow of 1 gallon per hour.

Right now I'm doing the ferts twice a day each with a staggered schedule so that not to doze CSM and KH2PO4 at the same time.

On average I'm adding per week:

CSM+B: 1 tsp
KNO3: 3 tsp
MgSO4: 3 tsp
K2SO4: 2 tsp
KH2PO4: 1/4 tsp

My light is 640W T5HO (8x80W) but the bulbs are somewhat old, so it's not as strong as could be

Pressurized CO2 injection, controlled by pH controller and verified by 4dKH drop checker.

Tap water pH = 8.0, tank pH = 6.6, temperature 26°C, hardness: KH = 4°, GH = 6°

Right now the tank isn't very heavily planted.

My concerns is Fe/CSM dosing. I dozed 1 tsp of CSM (7% Fe) two days ago (before starting the dosing pump) and the Fe test kit showed ~0.1 ppm Fe. Today I tested and it shows 0, even with my (small regular) dosing of CSM. My water change system replaces about 10% of old water a day (according to this:, so it's not because of water changes. Could my plant have consumed 3.5 g of CSM in just two days?

My NO3 is currently at about 20 ppm and PO4 is about 1 ppm.

By the way, in case someone finds this useful. I have weighed different quantities of dry ferts using digital scales and culinary measuring spoons, so 1 tsp comes down to the following:

MgSO4·7H2O = 5.5g
KNO3 = 6 g
K2SO4 = 6.3 g
Ca(NO3)2·4H2O = 5.9 g
KH2PO4 = 6.7 g
CSM+B = 3.4 g
220g FW Community planted: SAE (5), Puntius denisonii (4), clown loach (2), Yoyo loach (3), kuhli loach (3), otocinclus affinis (2), rummynose tetra (3), harlequin rasbora (17), rope fish (1), glass catfish (3), bamboo shrimp (2), upside-down catfish (2), Chinese algae eater (2), rubber-lipped pleco (2), cherry shrimp (many)

55g FW Community planted: Black ghost knifefish (2), Armored bichir (2), banjo catfish (2),  Rosy tetra (2)


Hey Alex, Do you have any pictures of your setup? I'd love to see a 220 planted tank.   ;)

My first impression is you're under dosing because you're replacing just over 50% of the water weekly but you're not following an EI type of regimen. Two indicators of nutrient deficiency are the low iron, ideally you want Fe 0.2-0.5ppm and PO4 to be 1.0-3.0 ppm. If you were doing EI, I'd recommend :

•   2½-3 teaspoons KNO3 3-4x a week
•   5/8 - 1 teaspoon KH2PO4 3-4x a week
•   trace 50-60 ml 3x a week

Increasing the CO2 is also not a bad idea, the drop checkers, even with the proper 4ºdkh solution are only accurate between 15ppm - 45ppm approximately, so it's not an exact science. A reactor on the output side of the sump is probably the best method of diffusion for a tank that size. I hope other planted tank folks will also chime-in.
125g, 32g, 7g


I want to see pics as well Alex!
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Quote from: daworldisblack on March 15, 2013, 02:42:14 PM
I want to see pics as well Alex!

Ok, here it goes... There isn't anything special, since I had to prune a lot of plants damaged by algae. I had a real problem with staghorn algae, so I had to throw away lots of plans and leaves...

So far, a week later, the tank seem to be holding up much better. No real problem with algae yet. That's a first... :)
220g FW Community planted: SAE (5), Puntius denisonii (4), clown loach (2), Yoyo loach (3), kuhli loach (3), otocinclus affinis (2), rummynose tetra (3), harlequin rasbora (17), rope fish (1), glass catfish (3), bamboo shrimp (2), upside-down catfish (2), Chinese algae eater (2), rubber-lipped pleco (2), cherry shrimp (many)

55g FW Community planted: Black ghost knifefish (2), Armored bichir (2), banjo catfish (2),  Rosy tetra (2)


Maybe I should host the next plantaholics anonymous meeting? :) This way you can see my setup first hand. And maybe I can pick your brains a bit too :)
220g FW Community planted: SAE (5), Puntius denisonii (4), clown loach (2), Yoyo loach (3), kuhli loach (3), otocinclus affinis (2), rummynose tetra (3), harlequin rasbora (17), rope fish (1), glass catfish (3), bamboo shrimp (2), upside-down catfish (2), Chinese algae eater (2), rubber-lipped pleco (2), cherry shrimp (many)

55g FW Community planted: Black ghost knifefish (2), Armored bichir (2), banjo catfish (2),  Rosy tetra (2)


Here is my basement sump/filter set-up...

You can see the 3 dosing pumps on the top shelf with fert solutions below, CO2 reactor, phController, temperature controller, UV lamp, main pump, inlet 3-stage water filter for drip system and the actual sump with filter media, bioballs, etc.
220g FW Community planted: SAE (5), Puntius denisonii (4), clown loach (2), Yoyo loach (3), kuhli loach (3), otocinclus affinis (2), rummynose tetra (3), harlequin rasbora (17), rope fish (1), glass catfish (3), bamboo shrimp (2), upside-down catfish (2), Chinese algae eater (2), rubber-lipped pleco (2), cherry shrimp (many)

55g FW Community planted: Black ghost knifefish (2), Armored bichir (2), banjo catfish (2),  Rosy tetra (2)


Quote from: exv152 on March 15, 2013, 09:39:17 AM

•   2½-3 teaspoons KNO3 3-4x a week
•   5/8 - 1 teaspoon KH2PO4 3-4x a week
•   trace 50-60 ml 3x a week

1 tsp of KH2PO4 4 times a week? So, that's 3-4 tsp a month. Is that right?

And 50-60 ml of trace, which concentration? I'm using dry fertilizers (trace element mix from B&B), how do you make your solution?
220g FW Community planted: SAE (5), Puntius denisonii (4), clown loach (2), Yoyo loach (3), kuhli loach (3), otocinclus affinis (2), rummynose tetra (3), harlequin rasbora (17), rope fish (1), glass catfish (3), bamboo shrimp (2), upside-down catfish (2), Chinese algae eater (2), rubber-lipped pleco (2), cherry shrimp (many)

55g FW Community planted: Black ghost knifefish (2), Armored bichir (2), banjo catfish (2),  Rosy tetra (2)


Try running your fertilizer quantities on the 'fertilator' -

or perhaps on the petalphile -

Also, the Tom Barr site on fert dosing -
or -

Also, I'm a big fan of UKAPS so try getting into their forum at There just seems to be so much more info for us plant geeks on that site.

As for your lighting, take a look at this site - It suggests lighting levels for successful tanks decrease as volume increases. Cheers. G
"Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish." Mark Twain


By the way, just replaced my ageing T5HO bulbs. And measured the light output of the old vs new bulbs using a light meter. The old ones gave only about 60% of the new bulbs.
220g FW Community planted: SAE (5), Puntius denisonii (4), clown loach (2), Yoyo loach (3), kuhli loach (3), otocinclus affinis (2), rummynose tetra (3), harlequin rasbora (17), rope fish (1), glass catfish (3), bamboo shrimp (2), upside-down catfish (2), Chinese algae eater (2), rubber-lipped pleco (2), cherry shrimp (many)

55g FW Community planted: Black ghost knifefish (2), Armored bichir (2), banjo catfish (2),  Rosy tetra (2)


Quote from: alexv on March 15, 2013, 10:48:01 PM
1 tsp of KH2PO4 4 times a week? So, that's 3-4 tsp a month. Is that right?

And 50-60 ml of trace, which concentration? I'm using dry fertilizers (trace element mix from B&B), how do you make your solution?

I also use the B&B stuff and I mix 1 tablespoon of plantex csm+b into 250ml of water, or if you want to dose dry into a 220g, I think it works out to about 1 teaspoon dry.  Same thing with KH2PO4, for a 220g you want to dose about the same dry (1 teaspoon x 3 per week). These are EI doses.  Nice tank btw.
125g, 32g, 7g


Woah.. you are not messing around! Thats some sweet set up you got there alex! I was looking to get a new mix done for my  dry ferts as well. had done PPS Pro till now but I have gone with EI daily dosing thanks to the help form the links posted here so just piggybacking off your thread :) Thanks!
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


The site suggests that lighting for a 210 usg tank should be nearer to the 1 w/g range. Maybe you've got too much light?
"Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish." Mark Twain


Quote from: wolfiewill on March 17, 2013, 08:18:06 AM
The site suggests that lighting for a 210 usg tank should be nearer to the 1 w/g range. Maybe you've got too much light?

Not sure about that. I'm still puzzled by my diatom outbreak a few months ago. In fact, after replacing my light bulbs I finally noticed some pearling on the plants. Before that, I didn't have any. But that could also be due to my dosing more of ferts now.

I guess I'll have to watch closely and see if it works out.

Oh, and I started dosing Flourish Excel to supplement the carbon. I just can't get any more CO2 in my water with the overflow and sump and such.
220g FW Community planted: SAE (5), Puntius denisonii (4), clown loach (2), Yoyo loach (3), kuhli loach (3), otocinclus affinis (2), rummynose tetra (3), harlequin rasbora (17), rope fish (1), glass catfish (3), bamboo shrimp (2), upside-down catfish (2), Chinese algae eater (2), rubber-lipped pleco (2), cherry shrimp (many)

55g FW Community planted: Black ghost knifefish (2), Armored bichir (2), banjo catfish (2),  Rosy tetra (2)


Quote from: alexv on March 17, 2013, 12:45:48 PM
...But that could also be due to my dosing more of ferts now...
;) In my amateur experience, it most likely is.
125g, 32g, 7g


Here is an update. I do have some algae growing back, but not too bad. Compared to what it was before, it's night and day. The dozing pump does help to stay regular with fertilization :)

220g FW Community planted: SAE (5), Puntius denisonii (4), clown loach (2), Yoyo loach (3), kuhli loach (3), otocinclus affinis (2), rummynose tetra (3), harlequin rasbora (17), rope fish (1), glass catfish (3), bamboo shrimp (2), upside-down catfish (2), Chinese algae eater (2), rubber-lipped pleco (2), cherry shrimp (many)

55g FW Community planted: Black ghost knifefish (2), Armored bichir (2), banjo catfish (2),  Rosy tetra (2)


looking great, good to hear you are winning the battle.
See you soon.


That's a very attractive tank. I can't wait to see it next weekend.
"Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish." Mark Twain


That's a pretty good and healthy growth. I like the left corner, the Ludwigia (so I believe) is forming a nice bush.

I might have missed it, but what sorta light are you running, as of number of bulbs, intensity, spectrum and duration?
be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


You can really notice the difference in less than a month. Nice job. Those clown loaches are monsterous! Can't wait to see it in person.
125g, 32g, 7g


Wow Alex, thats explosive growth! I can't wait to see it in person too - this high-tech set up of yours!
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!