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Keg Tank!!

Started by ajm1961, March 15, 2013, 06:21:19 AM

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Saw this on Animal Planet yesterday - a real dream: a Beer Keg tank with functioning tap, plus Malawi all-male community!! What's not to like? MAN CAVE!!!


Very cool!!

It still baffles me how they don't show if these two derpy guys even acclimate anything or let the tank cycle!


They showed on the Tracey Morgan Shark tank build that they use special water and sand that is cycled right before being sent to them, then they confirm parameters before adding fish. There was also a behind the scenes show on youtube where they showed the system in their warehouse that has holding tanks that they cycle sand and other media that they are adding to local tanks.

I think because its tv they cut allot of the process out of the footage so they can fit into the 40 minute limit for 1 hour shows, plus advertising.
I haz reef tanks.


That's pretty cool. I think it's the fish geek in me that would love to see the entire show be about that kind of stuff! But then the general public wouldn't be into it.


Quote from: Chubs on March 15, 2013, 10:01:58 AM
That's pretty cool. I think it's the fish geek in me that would love to see the entire show be about that kind of stuff! But then the general public wouldn't be into it.

My favorite part of every show is when they go to the fish distributor in California and they show them looking at the fish in the thousands of tanks they have. You get a behind the scenes look at the massive systems they have, as well as tidbits of knowledge from experts on what goes together...and what doesn't.
I haz reef tanks.


Quote from: ajm1961 on March 15, 2013, 06:21:19 AMWhat's not to like?

The ridiculous decorations they put in their tanks. :)

Even some of the marine setups they do have the most ridiculously fake looking "corals" that would be right at home in a little kids tank. Other than that, I usually enjoy the show and they've done some neat setups. The backyard pond for the football players house was pretty sweet, and they've done a few nice big reef tanks with live coral.

There's another one on National Geographic Channel called "Fish Tank Kings". They did the aquarium backstop at the new Marlins stadium.


Quote from: Chubs on March 15, 2013, 09:12:40 AM
Very cool!!

It still baffles me how they don't show if these two derpy guys even acclimate anything or let the tank cycle!

I actually emailed them about that very question, here was the response I received:

Hello --------,

Thank you for watching the show!!

Not sure if I answered you already, I have been up in Canada the last few weeks and a bunch of emails didn’t go through so I am going back through them all.  So anyway on to your question:

The editing does make it look like it all happens at once, I don’t like that they do that cause it gives people the wrong idea.  We do add fish faster than normal, but we have a special technique that allows us to do that for TV.  First we set up the tank, fill it and salt it.  Let it run for a day or 2, then add seeded bioballs and a commercial grade concentrated bacteria that basically cycles the tank in a day, we double dose everything just to be sure.  After the bacteria has run through the system for a day we add the fish.  The reason they make it look like it  all happens in a day is to keep the drama and to sustain the idea of the surprise to the client.  They were supposed to show us adding the bacteria and air our explanation of how we put these together but it hasn’t seemed to have made the show yet…. Kind of irritating.  There is a lot that hits the editing room floor and unfortunately we don’t get much of a say in what airs and what doesn’t air.  We also have maintenance guys out there daily for the following weeks to make sure the tank remains stable and the fish are healthy.

Anyway hope this clears things up for you a bit and keep watching the show!! 

Thank you,
Nick Bierman

Nick Bierman
ATM of Nevada
6975 S Decatur Blvd. Ste. 130
Las Vegas NV 89118

Bus: 702.387.2016 Ext. 123
Fax: 702.387.2073