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Need Help Diving into African Cichlids for 1st Time

Started by masoud100, May 22, 2013, 10:22:29 AM

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I left on a 3 month vacation and had an amazing planted tank setup that was thriving and making all my fish, plecos, etc have babies. Anyways I left it to the care of my family who really are not familiar with fish keeping and I came back to a tank that is officially the worst and dirtiest tank I have seen. All my fish are dead (had over 20), except for my Bolivian Ram, Bristlenose Pleco (Adult). I want to make a start over, clean the tank and create an African cichlid tank which I have never done before.

I have a 55 gallon tank
I have 2 T5HO Lamps (they were used for my bulbs)

How should I go about starting my tank....
What should I use for substrate, pool filter sand or something else?
What about the lights are my current ones too strong?
What about the layout/background etc what kind of rocks, etc should I use?

My stocking list will probably be
◦1 trio Protomelas
◦1 trio Aulonocara
◦1 trio Copadichromis
◦1 trio Labidochromis or Cynotilapia
◦4 Neolamprologus (larger species)
◦2 Eretmodus or 1 trio Haplochromis
◦2 Julidochromis (larger species)
◦1 Synodontis Catfish
◦1 medium sized Plecostomus


What are the dimensions on your tank?

Also, you're talking about mixing allot of fish from different lakes in that setup, which may not work. It also sounds like allot of fish for a 55g.
I haz reef tanks.


My tank is 55 gallons and I believe the dimensions are regular 55 gallon tank dimensions so like 4 feet long. I got the setup from and it does not look to much for me as cichlids need to be housed more in order to spread aggression. What should I do with the lighting is the current 2 T5HO too much light. I was thinking of a lighting sytem LED with night light as well but I don't have much money to spare at the moment. What should I use for substrate please give some inputs and what about stones, rocks, etc


Either pick malawi or tanganyika and stick to it... also watch diets of the fish, some can be quite protien sensitive.

In this set up, I'd say the Nelamps, Eretmodus, and Julis will get killed by bigger, more aggressive fish (or just not be able to eat), and the Cynotilapias tend to be protein sensitive and bloat if not fed properly. Make sure you're picking fish with similar aggression and dietary needs, probably the two biggest factors with africans.


Quote from: masoud100 on May 22, 2013, 11:38:49 AMMy tank is 55 gallons and I believe the dimensions are regular 55 gallon tank dimensions so like 4 feet long. I got the setup from and it does not look to much for me as cichlids need to be housed more in order to spread aggression. What should I do with the lighting is the current 2 T5HO too much light. I was thinking of a lighting sytem LED with night light as well but I don't have much money to spare at the moment. What should I use for substrate please give some inputs and what about stones, rocks, etc

I'd recommend a substrate that will buffer the ph like one of the cichlid sands by carib sea, eco-complete or crushed coral. As for the lighting I would cut it down to one bulb, to help keep algae at bay. Since T5HOs are really meant for growing plants.  But lighting on a cichlid tank really just comes down to one thing - aesthetics, it's all about what looks the best to you. LEDs would probaby look cool because of the shimmer effect.
125g, 32g, 7g


Quote from: masoud100 on May 22, 2013, 11:38:49 AM
I got the setup from

The cookie cutter setups aren't designed to pick different fish from different categories and then jumble them all together.  You're supposed to pick a category (like Tanganyika Community Aquariums) then pick your fish from within one of the grey boxes, not pick one from each grey box under each category.  You're talking about mixing fish that will get close to 6-7" long and mixing them with Shellie's. not going to work.

and it does not look to much for me as cichlids need to be housed more in order to spread aggression.

Yes, you need to spread aggression with numbers, but not at the level you're talking about.  You're talking about putting 22 fish, some of which grow to 4,6 or 7 inches, in a 48 inch tank.  I have a 6 foot 135g and my final stock will be close to 18 fish with two large canister filters on it. If you think it will work, I guess it's your money.

Agree with Rob, pick one lake and stick to it.  You'll note on some of them that they are recommending total fish levels for that type of group (Lake Malawi Haplichrome - 3 groups with 9 fish total).

I realize what I said might be seen as a bit harsh, but I would hate to see you get that tank running for a few months and then have everything blow up on you. 

What I would recommend, since you're new to cichlids, is a setup with pseudotropheous saulosi (3 males to 9 females) and pseudotropheous acei (1 male to 3 female).  Make sure you have lots of rocks and breaks in the line of sight so the male saulosi can each establish a territory.  The acei will occupy more of the open space at the top.
I haz reef tanks.


Quote from: Stussi613 on May 22, 2013, 04:44:51 PM
The cookie cutter setups aren't designed to pick different fish from different categories and then jumble them all together.  You're supposed to pick a category (like Tanganyika Community Aquariums) then pick your fish from within one of the grey boxes, not pick one from each grey box under each category.  You're talking about mixing fish that will get close to 6-7" long and mixing them with Shellie's. not going to work.

Yes, you need to spread aggression with numbers, but not at the level you're talking about.  You're talking about putting 22 fish, some of which grow to 4,6 or 7 inches, in a 48 inch tank.  I have a 6 foot 135g and my final stock will be close to 18 fish with two large canister filters on it. If you think it will work, I guess it's your money.

Agree with Rob, pick one lake and stick to it.  You'll note on some of them that they are recommending total fish levels for that type of group (Lake Malawi Haplichrome - 3 groups with 9 fish total).

I realize what I said might be seen as a bit harsh, but I would hate to see you get that tank running for a few months and then have everything blow up on you. 

What I would recommend, since you're new to cichlids, is a setup with pseudotropheous saulosi (3 males to 9 females) and pseudotropheous acei (1 male to 3 female).  Make sure you have lots of rocks and breaks in the line of sight so the male saulosi can each establish a territory.  The acei will occupy more of the open space at the top.

On it says for a 55 gallon to include all of these:
•55 Gallon Aquariums
◦1 trio Protomelas
◦1 trio Aulonocara
◦1 trio Copadichromis
◦4 Neolamprologus (larger species)
◦2 Eretmodus or 1 trio Haplochromis
◦2 Julidochromis (larger species)
◦1 Synodontis Catfish
◦1 medium sized Plecostomus

But if you all agree that including everything above will not work out etc, then what about these cookie cutter examples:
Tanganyika Community Aquariums
First Option 
  •  Cyprichromis leptosoma - 12
Select 1 pair from each group (max of 2 pairs):
     •  Altolamprologus calvus or compressiceps
     •  Neolamprologus leleupi or cylindricus
     •  Julidochromis or Chalinochromis
     •  Telmatochromis vittatus, bifrenatus or        brichardi   

Second Option
   •  Neolamprologus brichardi complex - pair
     •  Cyprichromis leptosoma - 12
     •  Synodontis petricola - 3-6

Third Option- Mbuna
Select any 3 species (max 12 fishes):
     •  Metriaclima estherae
     •  Pseudotropheus saulosi
     •  Pseudotropheus sp. "Acei"
     •  Labidochromis sp. "Hongi"
     •  Labidochromis caeruleus
     •  Labidochromis sp. "Perlmutt"
     •  Labidochromis chisimulae
     •  Iodotropheus sprengerae 
     •  Cynotilapia afra
     Do not mix any Labidochromis species.


Also my T5H0 fixture does not allow me to only have one on and one off. If I take one bulb out the other will not turn on. Also out of all the examples and anymore you can give which kind of rocks, etc should I use? I also want to be able to buy them here in Ottawa or easily get them.


You aren't reading it right, you should be looking at it like this:

Quote from: masoud100 on May 22, 2013, 08:26:18 PM
But if you all agree that including everything above will not work out etc, then what about these cookie cutter examples:


Tanganyika Community Aquariums
First Option 
  •  Cyprichromis leptosoma - 12
Select 1 pair from each group (max of 2 pairs):
     •  Altolamprologus calvus or compressiceps
     •  Neolamprologus leleupi or cylindricus
     •  Julidochromis or Chalinochromis
     •  Telmatochromis vittatus, bifrenatus or        brichardi   

Or this

Second Option
   •  Neolamprologus brichardi complex - pair
     •  Cyprichromis leptosoma - 12
     •  Synodontis petricola - 3-6

Or this

Third Option- Mbuna
Select any 3 species (max 12 fishes):
     •  Metriaclima estherae
     •  Pseudotropheus saulosi
     •  Pseudotropheus sp. "Acei"
     •  Labidochromis sp. "Hongi"
     •  Labidochromis caeruleus
     •  Labidochromis sp. "Perlmutt"
     •  Labidochromis chisimulae
     •  Iodotropheus sprengerae 
     •  Cynotilapia afra
     Do not mix any Labidochromis species.

Not as one big list you can mix together. 

I already gave you my recommendation based on the the Mbuna group.  I have labidochromis caeruleus with ps. Acei and male haps and peacocks in my tank, but its nearly 3x the size of yours.  In my opinion even the ps. Acei will be a stretch in your tank as they get quite big, but if you don't go crazy with putting too many in you should be okay.
I haz reef tanks.


Quote from: masoud100 on May 22, 2013, 08:28:22 PM
Also my T5H0 fixture does not allow me to only have one on and one off. If I take one bulb out the other will not turn on. Also out of all the examples and anymore you can give which kind of rocks, etc should I use? I also want to be able to buy them here in Ottawa or easily get them.

You're probably going to have to sell your current light fixture and get something else. Cichlid tanks don't require high light, so you could go with just about anything. I'm using LED's over my tank and I love them.

For rocks you have options. You can buy rocks from the local stores. I have lace rock and in my opinion its the best I've ever used in a cichlid setup. It practically sticks to itself and its pretty lightweight for the size of the pieces. You'll want around 50 pounds for your size tank. Call the sponsors of this site and ask for pricing on a 50 pound box. You can do what lots of other people do and go out and find rocks. Visit construction sites and ask if you can have some of the rocks they are digging up.  Along the shores of the Ottawa river has lots of rocks too. You want to be careful not to pick anything that looks metallic, and you can test the rocks to see if they are inert by pouring some vinegar on them. If they bubble, they're not good for your aquarium.

Once you get the rocks, scrub them under running wter, then soak them overnight in warm water with a small amount of bleach, then rinse them and soak them in warm water with de-chlorinator in it.
I haz reef tanks.


The good thing about Cichlids is that there are lots of different set ups you can do i.e. substrat, rock and lighting, it all depends on what you are trying to achieve. The main factors that i have found is that keeping you Ph high and good filtration will make a big difference in keeping them.

There are tons of resources and people that have the experience here so your in the right place to get all the info your looking for.   


Quote from: masoud100 on May 22, 2013, 08:28:22 PMAlso my T5H0 fixture does not allow me to only have one on and one off. If I take one bulb out the other will not turn on. Also out of all the examples and anymore you can give which kind of rocks, etc should I use? I also want to be able to buy them here in Ottawa or easily get them.

You can get another fixture, or if you want to save $$$ cover one of the bulbs with tin foil, or use a screen or frosted glass lid to filter the light, or raise the light higher up like a pendant.
125g, 32g, 7g


I have T5HO on my Cichlid tank instead of resting the light on the tank with the legs I hung it about 20" above the tank and I no complaints about algae. If your are looking for good rock that will help buffer your Ph you can get tonga branches which are pure coral or Texas Holey rock (Limestone, have to order online) they look great and give lots of nooks and crannies for the fish to hide. 


Quote from: Stussi613 on May 23, 2013, 01:25:11 AM
You aren't reading it right, you should be looking at it like this:


Or this

Or this

Not as one big list you can mix together. 

I already gave you my recommendation based on the the Mbuna group.  I have labidochromis caeruleus with ps. Acei and male haps and peacocks in my tank, but its nearly 3x the size of yours.  In my opinion even the ps. Acei will be a stretch in your tank as they get quite big, but if you don't go crazy with putting too many in you should be okay.

I will go with something similar to what you have but instead of just 2 species (pseudotropheous saulosi and ps. Acei) I will add one more species. Which species should I add?

I will go with the lace rock for my rock formations (is 50lbs not too much rock?)

And for substrate should I go for crushed coral or sand with the stocking that I will have?


I use crushed coral in mine. Keeps the PH very stable.
I haz reef tanks.


Quote from: masoud100 on May 23, 2013, 03:32:26 PM
I will go with something similar to what you have but instead of just 2 species (pseudotropheous saulosi and ps. Acei) I will add one more species. Which species should I add?

I'd leave it at ps. Aces and ps. Saulosi, personally, but if you want to add more then you could do Iodotropheus sprengerae, otherwise known as Rusty Cichlids.  You'd have to adjust your final stocking though since 12 fish is the recommended total for the tank. You'd probably want 1m:3f of each species as a final stocking list.
I haz reef tanks.


 Today I completly cleaned my tank and will slowly go into the change. Probably by monday I should have the substrate set deciding between crushed coral and the carib sea sand. Regarding the stocking when you mention males and females. What if I don't want any breeding what do I do. I want a display tank where people will look in awe at it. Do you have a stocking idea for that. Like at BAs I saw their african setup and it has peacocks, other africans and even catfish looked real nice.

If I get lace rocks it costs about $3/lb so getting 50 lbs will cost me over $150. However I saw nice decoration 3 piece that will cost me the same (its fake) but its lightweight, looks nice has holes in it where cichlids can go into. I will post pic soon and need.opinion on what should I get.


If you want to do an all male setup then you're not going to need as much rock. I'd suggest signing up at cichlid-forum where you got the stocking lists from and ask for advice in the Lake Malawi section of the forum. Keep in mind it's hard to find all male cichlids in Ottawa...I'm looking for about 8 to complete my setup.
I haz reef tanks.


Where is a good source of african cichlids I can get. Only places I have seen is petsmart and big als east and I was not impressed really.

Mike L

 I went to Canlok and purchased limestone at .38 cents a pound. They are located on Moodie drive. The pieces can be broken down to size. As for fish choice I personally like the second option outlined. Tangs are a more relaxed fish for the most part and if you use sand the behaviour is amazing. I put 2 large pieces of limestone at a 70-75 degree angle at the back of my tank and all my cyps hang there to sleep or rest. My paracyps actually hang upside down in some of the caves. Very cool. add some Brevis aand some shells. Wow