Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Corydoras paleatus

Started by Petfish, June 11, 2013, 08:31:05 PM

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Woke up today and found about 40+ little white eggs in my 10 gallon tank only have my pepper catfish and guppies in the tank so guess my catfish had babies. i read on-line that for the first few days the babies will eat their egg yoke but what do i feed them after? baby brine shrimp? Or is there something else? My three male guppies have been moved to my 20 gallon tank. and will move the rest of the fish tomorrow. So I will once again have a incubator tank.


Microworms, baby brine shrimp and ground flake food will work.

To be honest, my sterbai's used to breed in my 135g planted tank all the time and the babies were left to fend for themselves. Anything not picked off by the tetras, or the discus, found its own food source. I'd usually have 5-6 mature enough to sell each month and there were 60-70 tetras, 10 adult discus and 10 adult sterbai's predating on them...aka lots of pressure, yet they made it.

Cory's are pretty tough little buggers, in my experience :D
I haz reef tanks.