Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

La S.A.M. Auction (Montreal) April 27, 2014

Started by limmer, April 16, 2014, 10:22:54 AM

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La S.A.M. Auction (Montreal)
Auction Sunday April 27, 2014.
Starting at 12 Noon.

75, Sir George Étienne Cartier in Montreal


I was just checking for this yesterday but didn't see the date for spring! Who's going?! Looking to carpool and split gas moolah!
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


be aware of the green side
my fish suck
L007 ♦ L014 ♦ L034 ♦ L046 ♦ L106 ♦ L128 ♦ L134 ♦ L136B ♦ L183 ♦ L191 ♦ L200 ♦ L340 ♦ LDA031


I wonder if the club will subsidize car pooling for the auction in Montreal as pass years?
Only for OVAS club members.



If anyone else is interested, ping me! We need a new posse aside from the usual crew that go every year! :p
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Quote from: limed on April 16, 2014, 02:41:51 PM
I wonder if the club will subsidize car pooling for the auction in Montreal as pass years?
Only for OVAS club members.


I'll check with the other exec and get back to you.

I haz reef tanks.


Just got this from the Montreal club.

To OVAS members,

Please can you advertize this on your forum and or to your members who are planing to join us in Montreal.

Just a reminder, the SAM spring auction registration site is now open. Please be sure to read the rules as there have been changes.

Regsitration site:

You have until Wednesday midnight for early registration and 3 additional entry tickets.
You have to register at least one item before Wed 11:59pm for early registration and could do the other ones after Wednesday but before Friday 8pm to have 75% share of their selling price.

This year auction will start at 11am. Items should be brought in before 10:30am.

Looking forward to see you Sunday 27th in Montreal!

Francois Blondeau


In case you are bringing anything to sell.  The English version on their web site was not updated.

Auction start at 11am, you should bring in your items before 10:30am.

A limit of 100 items per seller.

Online registration for 75-25% split end Friday 8pm. Items registered after that time will be split 60% of selling price for seller and 40% to the club. Remember to register at least one item before Wed midnight to get 3 additional entry ticket. This year all our sponsors have given items for entry and tombola draws.

List of items excluded: plastic plant and decors, sand (rough and fine), lighting bulb.

Items you may bring: natural plants, breeding cone and cave, rocks, bog-wood...

Limitation on some items, only new or unused: heater, medicine, chemical product, dry food, light fixture, filter, water test.

Simplification of number of items for the same species (plant, fish, or material):
Limit of 3 bags/registration will be set for one species (plant or fish)/item type (like aquarium, filters...). For fish we allow distinction of fishing location (killies, great African lake fish, ...) and known name variety (show guppy, plants variety, ...). If you are a guppy show breeder you may bring to the auction 3 bags of each variety to a limit of 100 total item per seller. The name of location and or variety has to be clearly identified at registration.

We tried to limit number of items to 1000 and increase overall quality by excluding some items for which there was recurrent working issues (used heaters, light bulbs, filter with over used motor, ...). I do not know what should/will hapen in case of a donation to the club, if it will be auction this Sunday or kept for our club monthly meeting...

Do not hesitate to ask for details in case things are not clear (English is not my mother tong, please correct english writing mistake as you think it should be). We will do our best to help you to have an enjoyable time at our annual spring auction.



Add to the list that are not allow in the auction are used air pumps.

So should be mostly fish and plants and new stuff. Can't wait.
Tonight is the dead line to get 3 extra ticket to register your items. (early reg)



Correction on some information from La S.A.M.

Hi Peter,

I wrote manage to write erroneous information, there will not be 60%/40% split after Friday as registration will close on Friday... So, dead line for registration is Friday 8pm, there will not be any registration of items after that day and time.

To date, close to 1000 items have been register, close to half are fishes they split that way:

American Cichlids (south and central: angel, apisto, discus and others) 72, betta (collection and wild) and some gourami 41, corydoras, ancistrus et pleco 69, killie 62, African great lake cichlids (Malawi, Tanganyika, Victoria) 117, tetra, danio, koi 26, vivipares (Collection and wild) 77, décor natural and bog-wood 33, miscellaneous 74, aquarium 9, live food 53, plants 241, Shrimps of all sorts included few crayfish and snail 122.

Have a nice trip to Montreal and see you all Sunday!


Another great auction hosted by La SAM.
It ended earlier then usual and we were able to visit a fish store and drive home in the daylight.
I was able to pick up a couple bags of Pseudotropheus Elongatus.(Africans)
I also won one of the big prizes. (I was able to beat out my brother this time:)
A 29 gallon fluval kit complete with everything.
Fun time hanging out with fish friends and talking fish.


  The auction went good. Got out of there around 4:00pm
I didn't win the tank this time, but someone we know did from our club.????
We got great prices for our shrimps and pleco's.



First time there and it was a great experience! I always wanted to go for the killifishes and I wasn't disappointed by my wins! Great to hang out with the fish folks on a road trip! Glad to have had an opportunity to make it!
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!