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Oct 4th Picture update - Now that I have my 75g

Started by guck, June 21, 2014, 09:24:11 PM

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What was your acclaimation process like?
A bunch a fishes.....
A bunch a tanks...........


Quote from: Mike L on July 27, 2014, 11:56:41 AM
It might also be ph shock. What was the ph of the water the fish came from compared to the ph of your water.

It could be many things, but any trace of nitrites, as mentioned earlier, would point to the fact that the tank is not fully cycled. I would start there.
125g, 32g, 7g


Acclimatation process:
Angels (6), Corys(3) came in the same bag.  Ottos (4) in their own bag that I separated in two pairs as they were for 2 different tanks.
I put the bag floating in the fishtank and added few half cups of water over a period of about 45 min.  Then at the hour, emptied the bag in the tank.(

I failed to measure the ph from the bag.  The water in the tank was rather alkaline but it dropped to neutral in the last couple of days.  

Nitrite vs angelfish:
Nitrites although very low I guess are extremelly bad on angelfishes.  All other inhabitants seem to careless.

Two of the driftwoods were covered for a while with white fungus.  But I read that this is harmless and that some fishes even eat it.  At few occasions I saw angelfishes picking at that.  It seemed like they prefered that to the flake food.  It is my understanding that wood tend to produce a more acidic water.  

Update:  For the record, ottos (4) in their own bag.


It's not recommended to pour the water from the fish store into your tank because it can introduce all sorts of bad stuff.


Quote from: guck on July 27, 2014, 07:44:53 PM
Acclimatation process:
All fishes came in the same bag (angels, ottos. corys).
I put the bag floating in the fishtank and added few half cups of water over a period of about 45 min.  Then at the hour, emptied the bag in the tank.

I failed to measure the ph from the bag.  The water in the tank was rather alkaline but it dropped to neutral in the last couple of days. 

Nitrite vs angelfish:
Nitrites although very low I guess are extremelly bad on angelfishes.  All other inhabitants seem to careless.

Two of the driftwoods were covered for a while with white fungus.  But I read that this is harmless and that some fishes even eat it.  At few occasions I saw angelfishes picking at that.  It seemed like they prefered that to the flake food.  It is my understanding that wood tend to produce a more acidic water. 
What store did you buy fish from?
75g  congo tertas
        columbian tetras
        torpedo barbs
        tinfoil barbs


10g planted
pair of killifish


Quote from: ftan on July 30, 2014, 06:56:05 PM
What store did you buy fish from?
I will reply through your PM ftan.  It's not the place to discuss supplier here and I don't think my supplier is at fault.


Quote from: lucius on July 27, 2014, 10:17:40 PM
It's not recommended to pour the water from the fish store into your tank because it can introduce all sorts of bad stuff.
Probably, but considering the tank was fishless, I don't think there was much risk there.  Most of my fishes come from the same place in my other tank and never had problems.  But you are right.


Quote from: guck on July 31, 2014, 04:30:10 PM
Probably, but considering the tank was fishless, I don't think there was much risk there.  Most of my fishes come from the same place in my other tank and never had problems.  But you are right.

I've never done a fishless cycle myself.  I've always waited the four to six weeks for my tank to cycle before adding a group of fish.  For my 90 and then 75 gallon tanks, I took bio-media from an existing filter and my two BN plecos were the only inhabitants in the two tanks for a very long time.


Picture update as of Jul 29. Views from left to right.


Nice tank Guck!!  Sorry about your stock :(  I like how you planted your tank so heavily from the start.  I like the jungle look, lots of places for your tank inhabitants to hide.  I personally like the manzanita driftwood, I will be using this in my showtank myself, when I finally get it going.  Good job.   
Give me ShReD till I'm dEaD!!!


Quote from: angelcraze on August 03, 2014, 01:52:24 PM
Nice tank Guck!!  Sorry about your stock :(  I like how you planted your tank so heavily from the start.  I like the jungle look, lots of places for your tank inhabitants to hide.  I personally like the manzanita driftwood, I will be using this in my showtank myself, when I finally get it going.  Good job.    
Thanks angelcraze.  I am flattered.  I tried to plant heavily so I can see what plant would do good.   Then I suppose I can adjust.  I put a Fluval 48 inches LED strip and decided to put a blueish blackground instead of leaving it open to the window the tank is against to. The plants one on the left-hand side are really starting to kick in.  On the right, it is more slow growth.
I put 4 new angels on Thursday.  They seem happy.

Wish I had an Amazon Sword.  I have never seen one, but read a bit about it.


Congrats on the wonderful looking tank!

With enough space an Amazon sword will take up half your tank! Be neat to see how big you could get it to grow!


Thanks wrm130.
Half the tank!! WOW  :P  Indeed that would be interesting.  I could certainly make place on the right hand side of the tank.



Agreed, you give an amazon sword the right conditions, and it could take over your tank.  Although your angelfish, they like this.  Madagascar lace plants are interesting, or you could try a different variety of sword, like red melon or red flame, which tend to grow more dwarfed  in higher lighting.  Your angels will appreciate any tall vertical leaved plants, even a forest of vallisneria.
Give me ShReD till I'm dEaD!!!


Absolutely go for a lace plant if you can (I got mine from La Niche a few years ago). They're stunning plants. But keep in mind that they can get HUGE.


I recently bought some pondweed,  Love the look and texture of the plant.

Here is a update and what it looks like in a 50G tank,   soil capped with gravel.


Indeed, lace and sword varieties are all very interesting.  Red swords are very nice.  I will keep my eyes open.  I will put up updated pictures later.  I had to trim on the left section.  One of the plant, that I have no clue what it is and I can't seem to identify is just growing and growing.



Quote from: wrm130 on August 12, 2014, 07:25:41 PM
Guppy weed/naja grass I believe
Yes bingo :) Najas guadalupensis.  Seem to be pretty invasive.  Don't know if I will keep that.