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question about filter media

Started by Mike L, January 11, 2015, 11:00:52 AM

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Mike L

 My 25 year old Ehiem finally gave up the ghost yesterday. I am getting a replacement in the next couple of days. Same filter. So I put the pads and bio-balls in the tank until then. Is this correct. Also the tank has 2 power heads with pre-filters. I'm assuming that this will suffice for filtration until the replacement arrives. Yes. Tank is 75 gallon with 4 cichlids in it and I did a 40% water change yesterday as well.
Regards Mike


You could also cut down on the feeding.


pot scrubbers from the dollar store! :)

Mike L

 Replaced the filter yesterday. Wow.. While I was proud of the fact it had lasted do long I had not realized how little water the old filter was moving. Lesson learned. And yes pot scrubbers work great for mechanical filtering.


Good stuff, glad to hear you're back up and running. Fishies will no doubt be very happy. Keep a close eye on your water paramerters non the less in the next little while.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.

Mike L

 I bought the same filter. Eheim 2217 which back then was a 2017. So just took the old media and placed in the new filter. Should have no issues.
On a side note. I used to keep notes on all aspects of my fish keeping including  purchased equipment. I found the diary and noted I paid over $250.00 for all the materials needed in 1989.  Taps, media etc. Now I purchased the same unit for $179.00 with all the media and taps. I now have a surplus and will likely try to sell it to recoup some of the cost to replace. Of course then it was completely made in Germany. Now most of  the parts are made in China but assembled in Germany.
Regards Mike


Quote from: Mike L on January 14, 2015, 05:24:22 PM
Of course then it was completely made in Germany. Now most of  the parts are made in China but assembled in Germany.
Regards Mike

If you look at the bottom of the box of the new 2217 you'll see it says it's made in PRC (people's republic of china). Not just the parts, but the entire unit is now made in China. The entire classic series is now made there.
125g, 32g, 7g

Mike L

 Just a note for those that are interested. I was told at the LFS that the classics are assembled in China with shipped parts from Germany. Only the can was made in China. As was stated by Exv152 the entire units are made in china and have been since 1999. This was verified by Eheim themselves. All other Eheim series are made in Germany.
Regards Mike


Having said that, I'm running 7 eheim canister filters at the moment, and 5 are classic series filters all of which are made in China, and I've had no issues (knock on wood), they haven't skipped a beat alongside my German-made pro II & ecco.
125g, 32g, 7g

Mike L

 I'm  not worried at all as I am certain that Ehiem has standards in place. Given that they have been made in China for over 15 years any issues would have been addressed. The new filter is running well and they have made a couple of improvements to the design.
Regards Mike