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Can you use Leca to build up a hill?

Started by dobergoat, January 20, 2015, 08:15:30 AM

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Yup I like descriptive titles  :D

Been trying to research using Leca ( the clay balls used for hydroponic growing) to build up a hill in a dirted tank.

They float, but supposedly they sink if you boil them. I was thinking of using them so I can have a built up a section without worrying about having too thick of a dirt layer - and I have some lying around. Maybe putting them into a pantyhose or making a mesh netting of some type ( also read window screening works) to put them in and then layer the dirt and sand on top?

Does this wound feasible? I can only find info on people does this in vivariums


I've never tried it personally, but I would guess Leca has a lot of debris and partciles that could cause a bit of a mess unless you capped it with something else. Certainly not a bad idea for the price, and it adds bio-filtration. Most substrates will level out with time, except fluval stratum or ADA aquasoil, they tend to hold slopes better IME. You can also try some substrate supports like plastic egg crating used for lighting you find at home depot.  
125g, 32g, 7g