Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Special orders available

Started by Jody, May 23, 2015, 12:03:13 AM

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Hiya Folks,

I have a couple of  supplier that deals with some rare exotics, most of which you won't see in stores often.

For those liking large fish there are
Asian super red, red tail golden and green arowana, as well as black, silver and albino silver.
Tiger Datnoides, Polypterus lapridae,

For the pleco lovers there are
L46- Zebra Plecos, L25 Scarlett Pleco, L14 Goldy Pleco, plus many more

For the Tanganyikan cichlid lovers there are
Enantiopus sp  kilesa, Cyprichromis leptosoma utinta, Lepidolamprologus kendalli, Neolamprologus buescheri kanchese, Altolamprologus compressiceps (goldhead, orange and redfin)

For Malawi cichlid lovers there are
Ps. polit, Nimbochromis linni, Placidochromis phenochilus, Red cap lethrinops,  Bucchochromis nototaenia, Aulonocara lwanda

Some of the other neat fish listed are
Crenicichla compressiceps (dwarf pike cichlid), Lamprologus tigripictilis, Giraffe Catfish, Cuban cichlids, Betta albimarginata, Betta hendra, Rainbow Gobies, and Golden Desert Gobies

If there is something that you are looking for, but don't see, just ask, and I can check out what is available.

They do have a minimum order for the shipment, and limited quantity on some fishes.
All special orders would require a 50% non refundable (with the exception of DOA or no availability) deposit prior to order.

Order arrival would be based on filling a minimum order, if a single order will meet it, then it could potentially arrive in less than a week.

We will be offering tanked and untanked pricing. If you are able to pick up immediately, without our having to acclimate the fishes to our system, there will be a better savings.

For further information or pricing, contact me at
(this email I see quickest).


Mike L

 Thanks for the info Jody. I am hoping that the prices are competitive with what can be had online. To all the cichlid enthusiasts. This is a opportunity to get some fish that are different then what is out there normally. There are well over 2000 of them with at least 500-1000 that can be housed in aquariums 125 and under. There have been a few new converts that have had a go and been surprised/ fascinated with the dive into cichlids.


Hey Jody, are the Placidochromis phenochilus the "Tanzania" variety? Also known as Speckled Cruiser or Star Sapphire? These are indeed rare around these parts - I've only seen them from a breeder in Ohio. Kept a few - as seen in my profile picture - an absolute beauty!
Might get a few if these are indeed the Tanzania variety.

Thanks for the info!


What is the size and approximate cost on the Altolamprologus compressiceps (goldhead, orange and redfin)

I'm looking for adult sized. are the f1? WC?   what lineage?



The Placidochromis Phinochilus are the ones your looking for Andre. I spoke to Jody and they're the speckled ones ( Phinochilus Star Sapphire). I'm going to order a couple soon as well.




Hi Folks,

   The phenochilus are the star sapphire ones, I ordered some for myself a in the fall, and they are fantastic.

The compressiceps are all wild caught, 2.5"- 3.5" size.

   For pricing, just email me at



Hi Folks,
A few more neat things on the lists this week.
Rainbow Pipefish
Samurai Gourami
Orange Seam Plecos
Red Fin Compressiceps, 1" size
Betta Macrostoma pair
Ansorgii Microctenopoma
Buffalohead cichlids



Hi Jody, any interesting nano fishes on the list?


What sort of fish are you looking for TLe041?

There is not a lot on the list currently, but I can keep an eye out.



Here are a few goodies that I see on the special order list for this week.

Buccochromis spectabilis
Eretmodus cyanostictus
Ophtalmotilapia nasuta tiger
Tropheus moori Ilangi
Hap. sp All Red
Polypterus lapradae
Teacup stingrays
Golden Black Line Shrimp
Magma snails



Hi Folks,

  A few new items available this week for special order.

Cyprichromis leptosoma mamalesa
Lamprologus Ocellatus gold
Neolamprologus similis
Lepidolamprologus hecqui
Cyathopharynx foae Kachese
Ophthalmotilapia ventralis Chituta
Paracyprichromis nigripinnis

A couple nice nano fish on the list as well
Pseudomugil paskai
Tanichthys micagemmae

If you have any questions or requests let me know. Make sure to email me at if you are looking for a faster reply.


Mike L

Thanks again Jody. These are some great fish.I wish I had more room in my tanks.


Hiya Folks,
  Some new things available this week.

  Ctenochromis horei
  F1 Karilani Frontosa
Lamprologus similis
Gnathochromis permaxilis

Red top Lwanda peacocks, males, pairs, trios available F2
F1 Chitende Peacock
Buccochromis spectabilis

Lots of others goodies always available. Let me know if you are looking for something specific and we can try to get it for you!


Hiya Folks,

   Some nice new things on our lists this week.

Fossochromis rostratus  for those who like some nice, neat, bigger cichlids

Amazon Dwarf Puffers
Red Hemiodus
Crenicichla sveni
Smooth Back River Stingray
Leopoldi Stingrays (available soon)
Three Spot Earth Eater
Frogmouth Catfish Chaka bankanesis (available soon)


Mike L

Ill be contacting you tomorrow with some requests Jody.


Hi Folks,

  We have someone ready to order. I am looking to get the order placed for the end of next week.

Let's see if we can get a few more people on board. These are great priced fish, better than you will find in the store for these guys, though most of these fish you will be unlikely to see in a store.  Here's the current list. Email me at   for prices.

Aristochromis christyi  1.5"
Copadichromis geertsi Gome 1.5"
Hemitilapia oxrynchus  2.25"
Fossorochromis rostratus 2.5"
Placidochromis phenochilus tanzania 1.5"
Altolamprologus calvus black congo 1"+
Altolamprologus compressiceps gold head 1" or wild
Altolamprologus compressiceps orange
Altolamprologus compressiceps red fin males
Ctenochromis horei
Cyathopharynx Foai Kachese
Cyprichromis zonatus Chituta Zebra
Eretmodus cyanostictus Karilani
Lepidolamprologus kendalli
Limnotilapia dardennii
Opthalmoilapia ventralis cape mpimbwe
Tropheus moori Ilani
Tropheus moori Mpulungu
Lipochromis sp matumbi Hunter
Paratroplus maculatus
Paretroplus menerambo

Polypterus ansorgii
Polypterus delhezi
Polypterus endlicheri
Polypterus Lapradai
Polypterus ornatipinnis

Electric Blue Acara
Apistogramma rupununi Two spot apisto
Eel Banjo Catfish
Big Tooth river Stingray
Leopoldi stingray
Smoothback Stingray
Vampire Pleco  L07
Sunshine Pleco L14
Flame Pleco  L24
Zebra Pleco L46
Leopard Frog Plecos L134
Queen Arabesque Pleco L260
Sultan Pleco  L264
Lg Watermelon Pleco L330
Blue Eye Pleco
Synspilum Cichlid
One Sided Livebearer
Lava Snails
Tiger Datnoides
Celebes Blue Bee Shrimp
Super Red Asian Arowana
Red Tail Golden Arowana
Green Asian Arowana
Samurai Gourami
Chocolate Rabbit Snails
Nourisatti Cichlid

Let me know, and we can get this order going!


Big Als

Hiya Everyone,

   For those of you who have said they want specific stuff, thanks for your patience, we haven't forgotten about you. Unfortunately, we are still needing a couple people to want to order, as we do have a minimum order value to meet.
  I am trying, because there are some amazing fishes on this list!
Most of the previous stuff is still available and here are a few new things that they have.

Protomelas mbenji "thick lips"
Aulonocranus dewendii featherfin
Ctenochromis horei
Cyprichromis leptosoma kigoma
Lamprologus meleagris/stappersi
Lamprologus similis
Tropehus sp red Ndole Bay
Pundamilia Nyererei Makobe
Paratroplus maculatus
Paretroplus menerambo

Banded Acara
Blue Peacock Bass
Electric Blue Acara
Wild Marajo Oscar
Laetaracara araguaiae -snail eating dwarf acara

A few zebra plecos L46 left still.

Honduran Red Point Amatitalania

Toad Fish Allenbatrachus grunniens
Chameleon Fish Badis Badis
Red Badis Buxer
White Backed Shrimp
Noble Gourami  Ctenops Nobilis
Tear Drop Barbs  D. Rohani
Zebra Blenny O. Zebra
Banded Archer Fish



How much for the L46? are they big enough to sex them?


Big Als

Hiya Everyone,

Just an update, unfortunately they are sold out of the Celebes blue shrimp at the moment.
I got his updated list this afternoon and they were gone.
