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OVAS elections

Started by Jody, May 05, 2017, 12:03:56 AM

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Hiya Folks,
    So just a few weeks before the elections are coming up and there are plenty of openings on the executive for those who are interested in jumping in to help out.

   I will be the first to toss my name in the ring, I don't think I will go for President, though I am happy to do Vice President.
I hope that we will have a number of new people that are interested in joining the exec. as I know a number of the current exec may not be returning.



It might be helpful to provide a work description for each position and what would be needed to do the job (i.e.-car etc.).  Just a thought.




This was from last year, doubt there is any change, if so the powers that be will be right along to correct.

Our annual may election is upon us and once again we look forward to seeing some new volunteers out to help with the running of the club. If you enjoy the club's activities, have some new ideas, or just want to be available to assist, it would be greatly appreciated if you ran for one of the many positions that are available.

A few notes about running that you may want to know:
• Executive meetings are on the second Monday of each month, unless multiple people aren't available - we then reschedule
• Being on the executive isn't hard or scary
• Some of the executive plan to return next year and will be there to help you out
• We are planning an Aquamania event next year, which you are welcome to help with, but a subcommittee has already been formed to carry most of the burden of planning that event

That being said, here are the positions in the club and their duties:

Act as official representative and spokesperson for OVAS; including CAOAC and intra‐club liason.
Chair all Executive/membership meetings; serve as an ex‐officio member of all OVAS committees.
Ensure that members of the Executive carry out their duties while also recognizing individual capacity and willingness as volunteers; does not imply that the President must assume the duties of any Executive member who is absent or derelict in their duties.
Ensure Executive and Club continuity through leadership, mentorship, fellowship and encouragement of team work and recognition of efforts.
Ensures communication of club events and announcements to club and forum membership.

Assist the President in carrying out all of his or her duties.
Act for the President, in the President's absence or at the request of the President.
In the event that some Executive positions are vacant, will assume the responsibilities for one of them, as agreed to with the President.
In the event that all Executive positions are filled, will assume other club or committee responsibilities as agreed to with the President.

Record the minutes and action points of all Executive meetings and ensure their posting on the Executive forum in a timely manner.
Record any proposed action, decision or vote taken at a general club meeting, and post them on the club forum in a timely manner.
As directed by the President, provide an account/summary of Executive meetings to the membership.
In collaboration with the President, attend to correspondence to and from OVAS and the OVAS Executive.
Ensure the tracking of OVAS' physical assets.

Keep a complete and accurate record of the financial transactions of OVAS and make these available to the Executive at all reasonable times.
As approved, provide advances or reimbursements for club expenses incurred by members of the executive or club committees, while ensuring proper documentation of those expenses.
Prepare an annual financial statement for the approval of the Executive and the membership.
Ensure the safekeeping of OVAS' financial assets.
Attend to correspondence and records relating to OVAS' finances.
Provide financial forecasts and other financial advice to guide Executive decisions.

Maintain a current and complete record of all members, and make it available to the Executive at all reasonable times.
Collect membership fees and provide them to the Treasurer, with a reconciliation of the fees collected and the
membership list.
Provide paid members with membership card and any club introduction materials in a timely manner.
In collaboration with members of the Executive, develops and maintains club introduction materials to outline and communicate club benefits to paid and prospective members.
Develop and recommend strategies to promote membership in OVAS.
Coordinates any approved membership drives.

Make recommendations and proposals for club meetings for approval by the Executive.
Once approved, make contact and arrangements for guest speaker and meeting activities.
Make arrangements for the smooth running of club meetings, including:
           - Meeting agenda
           - Reception and recording of guests and members
           - Door prizes
           - PA system, laptop and projector as required
           - Beverage and snacks (if not already provided at venue)
Develop contacts in the aquarium hobby, and hence develop a list of potential speakers for OVAS events.

Picture of the month contest or other forum activities or events
Forum content curation (i.e. posting of hobby related topics and references)
Administration of Facebook page
Obtaining hobby expert posts or input (ex. "Ask Albert Thiel")
Encouraging forum posts and welcoming new forum members

Follow‐up with all forum sponsors for renewal ; obtain payment and signed contracts according to defined timelines.
Seek new forum sponsors as needed, while respecting established rules.
Develop, maintain and safekeep sponsorship contracts
Develop and maintain relationship with sponsors and relate any complaint or improvement opportunities to Executive for resolution or decision‐making.
Ensures the development, posting, and removal of forum sponsor banners.
Collaborate with AquaMania Sponsor Coordinator to provide forum sponsors with opportunity to participate and further support the event; also to coordinate communication with forum sponsors who choose to sponsor AquaMania.
Seek business contacts to promote OVAS and OVAS activities, and seek sponsorships and other tangible ways of increasing the financial soundness of OVAS.

Please consider helping out, we look forward to seeing you on May 30!


Just curious, does the executive meetings have to be on a Monday?


What positions are open?


I think pretty much all of



Membership chair is open if there any one willing to step into this role.
Will show you all the rope's.



Quote from: limed on May 06, 2017, 05:00:07 AM
Membership chair is open if there any one willing to step into this role.
Will show you all the rope's.

Thanks for making your declaration Ed, Thanks for the great job you have done!


No one interested in helping the club that makes this site available?
Come on guys, consider volunteering and make a difference .


Hopefully, we will have a few new faces on the exec in the coming year. The current exec has done a great job for the last couple of years, but it is a big job, and I know a few of them just don't have the time to continue with it.



Just a comment about the time commitment.
Being an executive doesn't have to be a big job. In my view the members of the next executive can decide to adjust the activities of the club according to its available capacity. I don't think club members or forum users should expect that OVAS will continue all its current activities if there's not enough people to help run it.

So for example, maybe they can't sustain having a club meeting every month. Maybe they only meet as an executive 4 times a year. Maybe they don't seek sponsorships anymore. Maybe they drop the library. Or the auction. Or the website. Yes, if you go down the list maybe there isn't much left at all. And that's the point. If the people who go to the monthly meetings or contribute to this website care enough, then they should think about volunteering.

Like Errol has said before, a club is only as good as its members. It's what WE want it to be. The time you invest is reaped by having a more committed and engaged community. Both online and in person.

I was part of the executive for at least four years. Many of the current executive members have done their tour of duty now for several years as well. I don't want to sound all "doom and gloom", but unless we have a new crop of people willing to spend some time keeping this club going in some manner... well, you get the picture...

Thanks for reading - I really do hope a few people step up and volunteer...
Cheers all.
Past-President (2013-15)


Quote from: ajm1961 on May 10, 2017, 03:07:33 PM
Just a comment about the time commitment.
Being an executive doesn't have to be a big job. In my view the members of the next executive can decide to adjust the activities of the club according to its available capacity. I don't think club members or forum users should expect that OVAS will continue all its current activities if there's not enough people to help run it.

So for example, maybe they can't sustain having a club meeting every month. Maybe they only meet as an executive 4 times a year. Maybe they don't seek sponsorships anymore. Maybe they drop the library. Or the auction. Or the website. Yes, if you go down the list maybe there isn't much left at all. And that's the point. If the people who go to the monthly meetings or contribute to this website care enough, then they should think about volunteering.

Like Errol has said before, a club is only as good as its members. It's what WE want it to be. The time you invest is reaped by having a more committed and engaged community. Both online and in person.

I was part of the executive for at least four years. Many of the current executive members have done their tour of duty now for several years as well. I don't want to sound all "doom and gloom", but unless we have a new crop of people willing to spend some time keeping this club going in some manner... well, you get the picture...

Thanks for reading - I really do hope a few people step up and volunteer...
Cheers all.
Past-President (2013-15)
Well said Andre, for too long only a very few step up , new blood is needed.
On another note as alluded to earlier, it may help if the current exec. members , declare their intent in this thread, it might just help those who may be sitting on the fence and wanting to step up for a position not knowing if it`s open or not, although it`s a vote some are a bit Leary of contesting a position .
I applaud Jody for stepping up again although he has done it before, he has inspired me to entertain the idea of helping again, but will not commit if there is not enough dedicated people getting on board.


Very well said Andre!
It is very true that being an exec doesn't have to be a big job. While some aspects are a bit more demanding, like those getting the sponsorship, for the most part it is an extra short meeting once a month, maybe some emails or phone calls, but that it the main stuff.
   Certain things, I think we as a club should just drop, though me, as a long time hobbyist, hate to see the library. In the last 2 years, I am not sure if I have ever seen a single book taken out.  But that isn't a big thing either way..
    Currently,  we hold 9 meetings a year, plus the giant auction, which I think is totally workable, but we do need the help to do it. In the world of email, if we couldn't arrange it, I am sure that exec meetings could be done less frequently even, and any talking points be done via email. 
    Going back to the forms I filled out, there were a number of people that said they were willing to help out, hopefully we will see that.
    I was part of the exec for nearly 10 years, starting as the stand in bowl show chair, to vice president and then several years as president. To me, I have enjoyed over 20 years in the club (with a few taken off due to time issues), and I am happy to step back in to help out again.




Hey Guy. Great contributions to this thread - I would like to try a new portfolio such as Secretary and move on from Vice-President. I know Peter (our current Secretary) wants to take a more relaxed role in terms of club duties and he and his brother Ed have done superb service for the last few years that have involved significant contributions in terms of ideas, time and grunt work. So the VP position is open.


Sid Arnold
OVAS Vice-President


After some thought, I have decided to put my hat in the ring for Sponsorship. What I'd like to do in particular is to get posters out in the stores that provide information on OVAS and our activities. I am not as concerned with getting more revenue. I think it's time to focus on getting more people aware of the club and show up at meetings and activities.

I have limited time this coming year (major projects here at work, plus cottage and home renovations), but I feel I can squeeze in some time to mail out contracts and get posters out to participating stores.

Glad to see Sid is coming back in some capacity
Hope these posts inspire others to join!

Andre Martin


Hey that is great news Sid and Andre!
Hopefully we can keep the momentum going and get a few more people wanting to throw their hat in the ring.


I will not probably run but would be available to help out most times.


This is good news and I hope others will come forward in the next few weeks. I really hope we can find someone to take over the Membership portfolio as I know Ed Lim would welcome a replacement. Thanks to everyone for their past and continuing service and to those that are stepping up for next season.




Thanks to Sid and Andre for stepping up much gratitude .
It would appear the following positions have nominees
VP, Secretary, corporate chair/sponsorship.
If i may be honest the Lim brothers have been a corners stone of the club and my personal preference would be t6o have them back  :P, but totally understand them wanting a break, same for fischkopp who has done a remarkable job with the auction chair but understand time is not a luxury for him these days with a young family but again my personal desire is to hope he can hang there with us for a once a year maybe 2  occasion annually  :P
That said the following i would assume is needing of volunteers
President,Treasurer ,Program chair, web presence , am i missing any position?
I wonder if exv152, tanksalot360 and Dexpert would fit into one of these positions  ;)


Yes, I'd strongly consider a position. If membership chair is open, I would be happy to fill in there. Or anywhere for that matter.  8)


Yes membership chair is opened.....
