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What's a good carpet plant for low/medium lighting? Also, issue with pearlweeds

Started by sippingtowel, June 03, 2017, 12:49:11 AM

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Hi everyone what's a good carpeting plant for low/medium lighting? I am a fan of pearl weed and monte carlo but I've found they potentially require a high tech setup to do.

In regards to the pearl weed I have, they are slowly starting to turn yellow on the tips/ends (this is happening at both the top and bottom leaves) and clue what's going on? I have no ferts, and no CO2 but I will be getting a DIY yeast CO2 soon.
29 gallon using chihiros a-series, beginner/newbie attempting to do aquascaping/planted aquarium with fish and shrimp. Stocked with some pearlweed, riccia, crypt, ghost shrimp, b.mollies and neons.


I heard flourish excel may help it claims to be liquid CO2. And dwarf sagi is a okay carpeting plant. It does grow around 2-3 inches and so far it is doing okay in my tank No CO2 just a good light.

found this online
choice of low lying carpet plants without use of CO2...
1. glosso
2. staurogyne sp
3. riccia
4. hairgrass
5. e. tenullus
6. dwarf sagi
7. e. quad

additional plant selection when you add excel
9. HC
"Quando omni flunkus, moritati"
"when all else fails, play dead"


29 gallon using chihiros a-series, beginner/newbie attempting to do aquascaping/planted aquarium with fish and shrimp. Stocked with some pearlweed, riccia, crypt, ghost shrimp, b.mollies and neons.


"Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish." Mark Twain