Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Very Lucky Lithobate

Started by Nelson, April 28, 2004, 08:44:10 AM

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1.5" lithobate that managed to escape from the jaws of a 5" Frontosa.  Significant injuries but it seems to be recovering.  Two clown loaches weren't so lucky!


why did you have a 1.5" lithobates in with a 5" frontosa?


My first response by way of explanation would be that I'm new in the business.  Having said that, I've had 8 Lithobates (now 7) in the tank with two Fronts without incident...if you don't count the missing and corpseless Clown Loach!!  I will be getting rid of the larger Front - the smaller isn't a threat.


Are you selling the Frontosa?


Sure am.  My neighbour bought the Front at Big Al's who described it as "an F2 with good bloodlines".  He's in excellent condition and I would like to get $25 for him, but will entertain a reasonable offer.

