Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

New breeding this week

Started by Jody, April 01, 2019, 12:44:37 AM

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Hiya folks,

   I managed to get a couple more fish breeding and pulled some of the fry from both.
   Both species are new, first time breeders for me, so I am pretty excited.
  Thorichthys maculapinnis "dos canos" and Cryptoheros spilurus.
Pictures are in order
And fry

  A couple pictures attached.




I agree . Good luck raising their fry.



Right now they are being fed frozen baby brine shrimp, and in a week or so should be fine to change over to a mix of frozen BBS and fry foods.

These are 2 of the 6 species I have pulled fry from this week, but they are the two new ones for me.



Hi all,

Finally I can add yellow rabbit snails to my list. After 2 years of waiting and watching, there I now have 12 juvenile to baby rabbit snails..



So a couple of exciting breedings this week.

A new CARES species spawned for me
Stomatepia pindu
I wasn't sure when she had spawned and pulled her out too early, and she spit pretty fresh looking eggs. I have put them in a tumblr, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Archocentrus centrarchus
A new batch of eggs. I have had multiple spawnings of this fish, but have never had eggs hatch. I believe the former pair was 2 females, so I am hoping that I have a male female pair now.

Placidochromis electra
I stripped about 20 fry from the female this week. 

Plus, more spawnings from my salvini, macculipinnis, caudopunctatus, several female Hap. Thickskin 44s & zebra obliquedens holding
And as always more endlers and guppies..
The picture is the centrarchus pair and the eggs can been seen behind them.


Hi all,

  I noticed a bunch of tiny tiny fry in my white cloud tank today. So it will be interesting to see how many I can grow out
The tank is about a third full of java moss with lots of algae on the walls.
