Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

SAM giant auction coming!

Started by Biulu, April 07, 2023, 07:45:27 PM

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Finally a date for the new giant auction: 30 April, starting at 9.30.

See the FB poster here:


Just a couple of weeks out now.
Registration starts today!

I am planning to head down, if anyone wants to carpool, just let me know. I can fit 3 people, and have room for some styro boxes.



You missed a good auction!

About 700 items for sale, lots of plants, shrimp and fish. Prices were a decent balance for sellers and buyers.
None of us were looking for a lot, but I came home with 6 baby Apistos, a great piece of driftwood and some plants, and Errol got a steal on a bag of Tropica soil and a pair of Apistos.

Plus we went to visit Maison du Poisson and Nature Pet afterwards. If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, Maison du Poisson is worth the visit, especially if you are into wild South American fish. Great selection of discus, dwarf cichlids, cories and fancy plecos, plus some great driftwood pieces.

It is a fun day, if you haven't been , consider going next time (November). I would love to see a nice group of us down from Ottawa again, to show our support and bring back some nice stuff.
