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BA Innes Update part 2.

Started by Laura, March 04, 2006, 06:53:00 PM

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I bought one of the 'grade b' flowerhorns from Kanata. And it's turning out to be a very nice fish. I haven't seen the flowerhorns at BA Innes - but my little guy is looking nicer than the larger, more expensive ones at BA Kanata imo. When he gets big he's going to be awesome for a $25 fish.


New Arrivals:
Marine Indo shipment
American flag fish (much better shape then last time), "Orange" rainbowfish, gelious barbs, gold rams (locally bred), dalmation sailfin mollies, cherry shrimp, amano shrimp (large ones), etc, plants: anubias nana and barteri, more
African shipment: Hap. fuscotaeniatus, red empress, Hap ahli, Labido. perlmutt, Labeo trewavesae, Ps lombardoi, Ps. polit, Ps crabro bumblebee, Lamp. compressiceps yellow, Lamp. helianthus yellow, Lamp tretocephalus, Lamp walteri, Tropheus duboisi, Tropheus sp. kipili ulwile island, Schwetzochromis stormsi, etc


Cherry Shrimp!!!
I'll be there this afternoon.

Still have any of those rainbow crabs?

I hope these ones eat.
I had bought some fiddlers from petsmart and they would not eat at all!


Any idea what the species name is for "Orange" rainbowfish?



Quote from: "murgus"Any idea what the species name is for "Orange" rainbowfish?

I'd like to know too please :)  Are they M. parkinsoni?


Apparently they're some kind of hybrid or mixed. Not sure which ones, didn't get a chance to take a long look at them.


Quote from: "mseguin"Apparently they're some kind of hybrid or mixed. Not sure which ones, didn't get a chance to take a long look at them.
OMG I thought we could count on you, you have abviously let us all down by not knowing the exact species of rainbow fish. I'm realy disapointed in BA's for hireing such an underqualified person. :wink:  :lol:  :wink:


Quote from: "Seanc"OMG I thought we could count on you, you have abviously let us all down by not knowing the exact species of rainbow fish. I'm realy disapointed in BA's for hireing such an underqualified person. :wink:  :lol:  :wink:

Hopefully you can do a better job there this summer :p


I know I failed, but to be fair, I'm way underpaid :-P


And if ur hoping to work with me this summer Sean, it might not be a good idea to get snarky with me at this point.  :twisted:


are you the one who hires people?


Nope, but I know the guy who does quite well.  :)


I smell a bribe :wink: LOL



New Stuff this week,
Assorted tropicals: Many varieties fancy guppies, Asst oscars, RB Piranha, platinum angels, etc.

South American shipment:
XLG Green Tefe River Discus
Apisto sp. "Brazil"  look like A. hippolytae possible, will research further
Cardinal tetras
Green neon tetras (supposed to be P simulans, look like they may be)
Cories: griseus, melini, schwartzi
Aspidoras blotch-fin
Frogmouth catfish (very cool)
Flagtail porthole catfish
Plecos: L248 Mega Snowball, L066 Scribbled Pleco, L034 Medusa, L015 Candy striped pleco, L014 Goldie, L017 (unclear), L264 Sultan, L030, L18 Gold Nugget, L262, L260 Queen Arabesque, L354.


how much are the discus? probly some outrageous amount but i will ask anyways. i'll have to go out this weekend, looks like a good shipment


They're probably at least 8".


I saw these discus this afternoon & they are awesome.


oh not that bad of a price. i wish they were smaller though, then i could probobly afoord them.



I take it the frogmouth is actually Lophiosilurus alexandri from South America and not a Chacha species.

Did you happen to notice the pricing.

