Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

New Breeder's Award Program

Started by mseguin, March 13, 2006, 11:37:34 PM

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After some discussion, and after reviewing the old BAP format, I've decided to implement a new Breeder's Award Program format for OVAS.

I've simplified the requirements for each category, while adding a few more categories to better reflect the range of tastes in the fishkeeping community. The biggest part however, is the added incentive to the program. Every time you reach a new level in any of the categories, you will be awarded a free membership for the next OVAS season. (Please note that only one free membership can be awarded per person, and any extra levels gained cannot be transferred to the next season).
The only additional requirement is that, since the club is giving a free membership, we're asking that you sell some fish within the club. The requirement is that for any level you are applying for, you bring fry from that category to at least 2 club auctions (mini or giant), for a reasonable amount. For example, if you are applying for the New World Cichlid 1st level, and Apistogramma cacatuoides is one of the spp you have bred, bringing 5 or more offspring to two auctions would qualify. The actual number will be up to the discretion of the BAP coordinator and will vary by species, but should generally reflect about 10% of a normal spawn for that species.
Verification can be done by the BAP chair, a member of the executive or a member of OVAS in good standing, or with a picture that can be dated (for example, with the date of a current newspaper visible). The rest of the rules regarding verification, etc, are the same as the CAOAC rules (which can still be applied for as well).

Here are the categories:

[attachment deleted by admin]


Also those of you who have already supplied me with breeding reports, those are eligible for the new award program.


Matt Good Initiative;

I Like all of the rules they sound great.   Question on Inverts. Are you including snails ? 2 inverts does not sound like very many to obtain a level.  I know we have some people on this board that breed "fancy" snails do they count ?

Great job Matt.


Matt: Where can I find these rules ? i tried the  but could only find applications to apply. is there an online reference for this?  

I am sure these are awnsered in there rules but can you qive me a quick heads up on this.  

1.Species not yet named.  IE Endlers Livebearers, where do they fit it ? There own species ?  Or as Guppies ?

2. Shrimp of the Cardidina family - IE Crystal Red, Bumblebee, bee, tiger, Green shrimp, and the list goes on, will these all be classified as 1 type of shrimp ? as they are "color morphs" ?



To get the CAOAC rules, select Committees from the menu on the left at, then click on Awards. I can't provide a link because the way their site is designed doesn't allow for links.
I will probably up the requirements for inverts slightly (keep in mind any of the rules might be tweaked for the next couple months). Snails do count for inverts, but keep in mind that with CAOAC rules its supposed to be purposeful breeding, not accidental, so with snails, just having a population explosion of regular snails shouldn't really count. But if you breed zebra or apple snails,etc, or share Malaysian Trumpet Snails with others, that will count.
As for shrimp, I will have to do a bit more research into their taxonomical status before I can say anything for sure.
Undescribed species count. With species like Endler's where their status as a separate species is not unanimous, it will be up to the BAP chair to decide (personally I count Endler's separate from guppies). However regional or colour morphs do not count as different spawns (i.e double red and orange flash cacs, or different morphs of African cichlids).



Quote from: "Aiglos"
2. Shrimp of the Cardidina family - IE Crystal Red, Bumblebee, bee, tiger, Green shrimp, and the list goes on, will these all be classified as 1 type of shrimp ? as they are "color morphs" ?

you have some hybrid in that , and some who are not really close species at all.

CRS : Caridina sp. "Crystal Red" (Caridina serrata  complex) (color morph of Bee)
Green : Caridina cf. babaulti
Bee: Caridina sp. "Bee"  (Caridina serrata  complex)
bumblebee : Caridina sp. "Bumblebee"
Tiger : Caridina sp. "Tiger" (Caridina serrata  complex)
cherry : Neocaridina denticulata sinensis

etc, etc .....


So based on that, for the most part you would get credit for each one, except maybe bee and CRS (you would get credit for one but not te other).


Bigdaddy: thank you for the link.

Zapisto: Thank you for clarification.  

Matt: Just wanted to make sure I understood the rules and I do now so I can start building a base plan for what I want to try for this year. Right on.


What about with something like flowerhorns that can be bred to multiple different types of fish? I haven't done it personally, and don't really intend to, but I have a friend out in BC who has bred his single male flowerhorn to five or six different types of new world cichlids. Some of which were also hybrids. (It's too bad the male flowerhorn usually killed the female shortly after spawning, however.)

I suppose the realm of hybrids can be a bit tricky?


BAP wasn't really designed to encourage hybridization.  As such, I would think any hybrids would be ineligible.


As far as I know there are CAOAC has no official guidelines as to hybrids, so it's pretty much at the BAP chair's discretion (and yes, personal bias does come into it). My approach is that creating hybrids will not count, breeding a recognized hybrid (such as flowerhorns or blood parrots) would. As for the breeding of the flowerhorn to multiple species, that would be considered a single species.


I've completed compiling the Breeder's Directory for OVAS based on breeding summaries I've recieved so far. Not bad, 43 species, and I know there's plenty more out there. You don't need to wait until you have enough species to qualify for an award to send me a breeding summary, just send me what has been verified as they are verified. If no one who's registered with me before has any objections I will send the directory to CAOAC to add our members to the CAOAC Breeder's directory, which will be the first time OVAS members will be in the Canada-wide directory.


Quote from: "BigDaddy"BAP wasn't really designed to encourage hybridization.  As such, I would think any hybrids would be ineligible.
Absolutely, and I would also like to know if OVAS's position changed lately in regards of hybridization. OVAS had a rule that you could not sell hybrids at their auction like all the other clubs I know. Only morphs are acceptable and counts for a single specie breeding. So, did OVAS change its position?


I had no idea about that position. If that's OVAS' official position, then that's what we'll follow. For sure, creating hybrids, including flowerhorns, will not count towards BAP. And yes, morphs only count once (although multiple entries can be made to the directory). Of course it gets slightly complicated with taxa of uncertain stats, like Apisto agassizi "Rio Tefé".


I can't speak for the club rules earlier than the early 90's but since I've been around I've never heard of. nor seen in practice, any OVAS position against selling any kind of fish - hybrid or otherwise, at our club's auctions.


I know blood parrots have been sold at auction, and I don't see the point of enforcing such a rule regarding selling.


Sounds like an awesome program!!  Too bad I live so far away being from Timmins and all.  Might like to participate in such a program (just for status sake and fun, not really for free membership) but really can't bring donations to meeting as only get to Ottawa rarely.  Just starting into hobby in last couple of weeks and so far have baby balloon mollies, tonnes of zebra danio fry (what do I do with them??  Donate I guess) and white clouds laid eggs (probably not fertilized) but thus far they got eaten.  Plan on doing Endler's (ok, don't really need to do anything there) and Kribs soon (when I find a female).   


CAOAC forms for BAP and AHAP are now available under the Downloads section on the left.