Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

New Breeder's Award Program

Started by mseguin, March 13, 2006, 11:37:34 PM

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Okay, I'm sure it must be obvious, this is probably why I can't find it, but where is the download section?


Look at your User block.  The Downloads link is under Modules.


Quote from: DarkDep on June 30, 2006, 07:26:45 AM
Look at your User block.  The Downloads link is under Modules.

Doh!, So that's what that download button  means :-[. That is so cool, it's a pity mseguin has his dexter and sinister awry though, he definitely said right side, and it is definitely on the left, gee versus haw, or maybe I'm addled. :P


The CAOAC BAP and AHAP rules are now available under BAP Program on the left side menu.
The new OVAS BAP rules should be up soon, and hopefully I'll be able to work on new AHAP rules soon.

Also, as part of the new BAP program, I mentionned that anyone who achieved a level in any category would receive free membership for the next OVAS year. Well since it's just about time for another season, here's the list of people who will be receiving that free membership, and the levels they reached:

Cassandra Desouza                 - OVAS Breeder (Level 1)
Jody McManus  (aka Jody)       - Old World Cichlid Breeder  (Level 1)
Chris Murray (aka Darkdep, aka APW)  - Old World Cichlid Breeder  (Level 1)
Jennifer Schengili  (aka oenology)   - OVAS Breeder (Level 1),  Old World Cichlid Breeder (Level 1)
Art Williamson (aka artw)          - Old World Cichlid Breeder


From the rules:
QuoteFor example, if you are applying for the New World Cichlid 1st level, and Apistogramma cacatuoides is one of the spp you have bred, bringing 5 or more offspring to two auctions would qualify.
Great can't wait to see what these members will be offering at our auctions. Are they getting their free membership before fulfilling the requirements?  :o

Ooops I just realize some of them are getting free membership for a better reason and will not have to bring fish. Sorry


I think the BAP program is great for our fishy community, and I know Matt's been putting a lot of effort into it.  I look forward to seeing BAP fish at the auctions to see what OVAS folks are breeding; it gives all of us who are participating a chance to show off our lovely little fishies.


To clarify, yes most of the people on that list already had  free membership, due to being on the executive, or having purchased a lifetime membership. So I guess I should have worded it that the following members would have received free membership for their breeding achievements, but I felt they deserved recognition anyway.
All the members on that list have brought fish to auction or sold within the club at some time or another, and I've asked one person (in good faith) to bring some more in the upcoming season.
My only goal with this program was to try to encourage people to share different species within the club, since I felt everybody wins when the diversity of fish available lcoally increases.


QuoteMy only goal with this program was to try to encourage people to share different species within the club, since I felt everybody wins when the diversity of fish available lcoally increases.
Matt, this is the best project I've seen OVAS implement. Congratulation

I just could not see artw trying to pass his plants as Africans.  ;D


well Michel it was quite clear by your post above Succint that you were taking a little jab at me.  True, all of those fish I bred happened 2 years ago when I was actually breeding africans for Fun.  I registered the fries 2  years ago when Colin Desouza was the Breeders Awards chairperson.

Now since you choose not to participate in the BAP there is no need to be nasty towards me, who chose to participate at one time in the past.


Art it was not a jab at you but one at the funny situation that we are in.
Hey for a free membership, let all the members that sold fish at our auctions and register to BAP get their free OVAS card.

I did not want to join the BAP project as I had no intention to breed again guppies, mollies, angels, discus and all the others I did before but since OVAS is going into this direction, it would be foolish for me not to get my BAP levels recognized.

Get my card ready. :)


I never bred anything like that and I got my Old World card


Well Pegasus, you've already got an angelfish there for your granddaughter, so perhaps you could get another, and some guppies and mollies for her as well, that way you can keep your dignity :D


Hey Matt, how about a BAP award for NOT breeding guppies when you have one in your tank, now that's an achievement ;D  Instructions for breeding guppies--drop one female guppy from LFS into aquarium, wait and voila BAP point!


QuoteInstructions for breeding guppies--drop one female guppy from LFS into aquarium, wait and voila BAP point!
That's wrong succinctfish! It's get your guppy from the mini-auction or the breeder's co-op. As for my granddaughter, she's getting the Blood Parrot. Her tank is up and running, the leak was repaired, some peacocks are testing it now, but the angel will have to wait, maybe until we find her a mate and a second tank.


Confuse, what's the difference beetween OVAS Breeder (Level 1) and  Old World Cichlid Breeder (Level 1) ? Is it that the applicant as been selling or as registered as a breeder on OVAS?

Pegasus as applied for is Old World Cichlid Breeder (Level 1)  :) :) :)


Quote from: Pegasus on August 12, 2006, 10:13:30 AM
Confuse, what's the difference beetween OVAS Breeder (Level 1) and  Old World Cichlid Breeder (Level 1) ? Is it that the applicant as been selling or as registered as a breeder on OVAS?

Pegasus as applied for is Old World Cichlid Breeder (Level 1)  :) :) :)

OVAS Breeder is a BAP program specific to OVAS... the OVAS rules and qualifications less strict than CAOAC.  Old World Cichlid Breeder I is a CAOAC award.

We setup the OVAS awards as a way for people to start trying BAP, since the CAOAC awards might seem daunting to some people at first... but once you win a OVAS BAP award, the CAOAC award doesn't seem so difficult


I found the OVAS's list but could not find anything related to COAC Old World Cichlid Breeder (Level 1). Would you have a link for this list?


Quote from: Pegasus on August 12, 2006, 10:43:40 AM
I found the OVAS's list but could not find anything related to COAC Old World Cichlid Breeder (Level 1). Would you have a link for this list?

In the content panel (which I think you minimized to increase screen space) on the left side, under BAP Program are the CAOAC programs.

Here's the direct link


Quote from: BigDaddy on August 12, 2006, 11:16:09 AM
In the content panel (which I think you minimized to increase screen space) on the left side, under BAP Program are the CAOAC programs.

Here's the direct link
No I had red that page but can't still find any reference to the Old World Cichlid Breeder (Level 1). I just wanted to know why some members had both distinctions.
ex. Jennifer Schengili  (aka oenology)   - OVAS Breeder (Level 1),  Old World Cichlid Breeder (Level 1)


I have the CAOAC programs listed on the Content menu and am about to post the OVAS Programs in the same place (just converting to HTML).

To summarize:  Old World Cichlid Breeder (Level 1) requirements are 5 species from the Old World category.  OVAS Breeder (Level 1) requirements are 8 species from two categories.