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New Breeder's Award Program

Started by mseguin, March 13, 2006, 11:37:34 PM

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QuoteTo summarize:  Old World Cichlid Breeder (Level 1) requirements are 5 species from the Old World category.  OVAS Breeder (Level 1) requirements are 8 species from two categories.
??? Well I'm now more confuse than ever. I tought  NewBAP.doc that Matt had insert in the first post was the OVAS Breeder Program and the one requiring 5 species from the Old World category. While the link offered by BD only talk about CAOAC basic, intermediate and advance levels.
Chris, can you tell us what was put up as 8 species from two categories as it seem more difficult than the other award of 5 species?
I've been  ::) all day, please give me back a  :)


Sorry for the confusion.  I'll try and word this better :)

The CAOAC BAP Programs and awards (which OVAS Supports and promotes) are Canada-Wide awards which up until just recently, have not been heavily promoted by OVAS as the requirements were pretty vague and difficult to achieve.  However, the idea of the BAP program is a very good one, so Matt decided to encourage more participation by designing the OVAS BAP Program which has different requirements, awards, and titles.

The links on the content menu at the moment are for the CAOAC programs.  The document you mentioned (NewBAP.Doc) attached to the first message in this thread represents the OVAS BAP program.

The OVAS BAP Program has awards that address people who have widespread breeding experience (i.e "OVAS Breeder") as well as those who concentrate on a specific area of fish (i.e "Old World Cichlid Breeder"). 

To Achieve the title of Old World Cichlid Breeder, Level 1, the OVAS BAP program specifies breeding 5 species from the African/Asian Cichlid families.

To Achieve the title of OVAS Breeder, Level 1, the OVAS BAP program specifies breeding 8 species from at least 2 categories.  So, depending on your point of view, the title of OVAS Breeder may be harder to achieve, but technically you could breed convicts, jewels, and 6 species of guppy to get that title.  So, it may not really be the "higher" level.

I personally (as everyone knows) focus on Africans, and am going to continue to do so.  So, my next BAP goal will be the Old World Cichlid Breeder, Level 2.

Is that a bit clearer?


Thanks Chris, that's what I tought it meant in the beginning.
I got confuse with the terms used.

The New Breeder's Award Program as the sticky thread goes , could be officially called the OVAS Breeder's Award Program or OBAP not to be confused with the CAOAC BAP or just the BAP

and more importantly, where I  got stuck.... The OVAS Breeder, Level 1 should realy be called the OVAS General Breeder, Level 1

I got a lot more questions but I made my quota of trouble for the day.
I can't resist... here's a simple one:  Are the species in level one count for level two, three and four? Meaning a 4th level would require that you breed 50 species instead of a cummulative 90 or so.


Mat is doing a fantastic job of getting interest in BAP going...if even Pegusus will take a shot at it! There will be fun competition just to get the new forum titles! I'm now thinking I will have to back-track and rebreed cichlids befor I can get old world level 1. :P

Thanks for the rules clarification. I didn't understand the rules either and I couldn't figure out why I didn't have the CAOAC lvl 1 yet. ( I never noticed the attachment on the first post before!)  

PS..DD I think there is only one species of guppy!


Pegasus:  Good suggestions in naming to seperate the two programs a little better, I'll leave that up to Matt to think about.  I especially like the OBAP acronym.

The species are cumulative.  To get Old World Level 2, you need 10 total species bred; not 5 for level 1 and 10 seperate ones for level 2 (15 total).

Only one species of guppy?  Damn, guess getting general awards isn't QUITE as easy as I thought :)


The only thing I will add to what DD said is that CAOAC does have sub categories (i.e. Rift Lake, Killies, etc), I just haven't had time to get that up yet.
OBAP sounds fine, we can go with that.
I think Darkdep thought that since African fans name everything they see a new species, that guppy owners did the same :-)



Quote from: mseguin on August 12, 2006, 07:37:26 PM
The only thing I will add to what DD said is that CAOAC does have sub categories (i.e. Rift Lake, Killies, etc), I just haven't had time to get that up yet.
OBAP sounds fine, we can go with that.
Can wait to see the sub categories.... starting with Rift Lake

OK you can all " LOL" at my expense, I've just summit 32 species to the breeder directory and ask Matt to help me out with the CAOAC Basic award. Not sure to what level that will bring me, but we will see.


Quote from: Pegasus on September 30, 2006, 01:32:43 AM
I've just summit 32 species to the breeder directory

Good job Pegasus.  Where is the list of species you breed?  I've caught a case of the African bug and need to know what I can get off you.  Thanks.

Mike S


Quote from: Pegasus on September 30, 2006, 01:32:43 AM
Can wait to see the sub categories.... starting with Rift Lake

OK you can all " LOL" at my expense, I've just summit 32 species to the breeder directory and ask Matt to help me out with the CAOAC Basic award. Not sure to what level that will bring me, but we will see.
Ok it's been 3 months since I applied for my first BAP award. I dough that the award is in the mail or that it has even been processed. In thirty years I have applied 3 times through OVAS to get a BAP certificate to no avail and to see it fail. I had told myself I would never try it again but after seeing some of you getting it in no time I taught this time I would finally get it.

For me the OVAS BAP Award is dead again and it's too bad since it's one of the primary vocation of the Society to support breeders among it's membership.


Do you mean the OVAS or CAOAC award? The CAOAC awards only get handed out once a year, I send in the applications in January, usually receive the certificates in early summer.


So I guest nobody got their CAOAC award since the projet only started in March 2006, but the OVAS award should have been presented to the executive in their October or November's meeting, right?


The BAP program has been be-set with problems since I joined the club also, but I wouldn't give up on it yet Pegasus. Most years we don't have enough volunteers to cover the main exec positions, let alone Chairs and BAP takes a back-seat to the basic running of the club. This year is exceptional in that we have all kinds of volunteers, so its your best chance of getting registered. I don't know if there is an OVAS certificate even planned, maybe Mat could clarify. I was under the impression the Ovas part of BAP would be more over through the forum/webpage, and that is in the works, just apparently delayed. It was nice of you to offer to help APW out though, maybe the newsletter guy could make use of the information for the upcoming newsletter. There is a program of free membership for x number of points and you and Jen, did get that for this year already so at least something has come of your particpation. Sounds like you'll have enough species breeding for free membership next year too! 


Thanks for your encouraging reply Sue. The OVAS BAP program is much more important to me than the CAOAC's, lets keep this project afloat and give it its deserved boost.

QuoteSounds like you'll have enough species breeding for free membership next year too!
I also heard this one from BigDaddy, next day I sent Matt the full list. To get the membership we still have to bring some of the offsprings to the mini-auctions which is a nice way to thank OVAS for its support (for me that's the paid trip to the Montreal auction)


Hey i demand an award program for special people, I'm special and need an award  ;D ;D


Quote from: luffs on January 01, 2007, 11:36:26 PM
Hey i demand an award program for special people, I'm special and need an award  ;D ;D
Only if you breed, and provide evidence of having sold your offspring in the club.


OK that is it I'm buying some fish, sticking them in the tank, buying under water candles, some fish wine, give them one of those little pizza tables, put some worm treats on it and close the curtins. lets see some one beat that  ;D ;D lol


Quote from: babblefish1960 on January 01, 2007, 11:40:10 PM
Only if you breed, and provide evidence of having sold your offspring in the club.

Babble, I really wish you would stop trying to sell your children at the auctions.  Opps, sorry.  I must have read that wrong.   :D

Mike S


Quote from: Quatro on January 01, 2007, 11:50:53 PM
Babble, I really wish you would stop trying to sell your children at the auctions.  Opps, sorry.  I must have read that wrong.   :D

Mike S

I'd have to sell them in the lounge forum anyway, as we don't auction off non-fish related items at the meetings. :P



As before, you can place the delay blame entirely on me.  I've had a lot of family illness over the last couple months and really have been distant from work, OVAS, and my other projects.  Things are smoothing over in my life though and I expect to be back to normal performance soon.

I can say that I'm VERY happy to have you participating in BAP.  I for one want to see the BAP program grow and gain more participation, someone of your experience and reputation will undoubtedly help bring more people into the OVAS BAP program.