Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Are you coming to the BBQ?

Started by PaleoFishGirl, June 16, 2006, 08:31:22 AM

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Just out of curiosity, who is planning on attending the BBQ tomorrow?

I'll be there!  ;)


I really want to, and now might be able to if I can rope in my Mom to watch my 2 year old for me. 
I may bring my 5 year old if there are similarly aged kids along.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds



Cant go but am curious to see art with bells lol
80 corner diamond
110 short
40 cube


I can't go either, wanted to, but parents are coming down to visit.


Wish I could. Artw, do the world a favour and wear clothes, not bells, OK?  ;)


I'll be there with my 3 year old, so people, please bring some kids!   ;D
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Babblefish and I will be there (no bells though, they suit Art much better ;D).
Is there a serious list of food yet?  Sadly, we will not be bringing Spam, classy English feast that it is, I'm thinking more along the lines of salad or dessert at the moment.
What happens if it rains?
Here's a bit of OVAS trivia:  We were at Matt's place leafing through the old magazines and OVAS newsletters of days of yore.  There was an article in a newsletter about the OVAS picnic.  Apparently, they really had to make some sacrifices at one picnic, as someone forgot to bring the spices for the steaks and they had to eat the steaks as is.  Aaahhh...times have changed.  We could always put some steak spices on the burgers, hah, that'll show them. ;D


I'll be there with a few Rickards Red, and wearing a swing-dance hat. Bells don't work for me.


Why would anyone ruin a good steak with spice.  I like it nice and red, and still alive in the middle. as is, fresh off the grill


Quote from: artw on June 16, 2006, 01:57:13 PM
Why would anyone ruin a good steak with spice.  I like it nice and red, and still alive in the middle. as is, fresh off the grill

I have to agree to a point, why kill it twice, but some spices and herbs really make an otherwise ho-hum steak take off like rockets in your mouth, mind you, it kind of blows up your head and makes the clean up sort of messy and then its hard to think anymore, hence the nonsensical blathering. :-X


i'm like 7mins away so i should be there(HOPING)!
can i bring few guests?
1158 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa

2016 Hours
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri >> 12-7pm
Sat, Sun >> 11-5pm
Tel: 613 695 6961 Fax: 613 695 6532

Ottawa's BIGGEST SALTWATER Selection

Tel: 613 695 6961 Fax: 613 695 6532


Sure, don't forget to sign up in the Pot Luck thread too.


Quote from: artw on June 16, 2006, 03:41:45 PM
Sure, don't forget to sign up in the Pot Luck thread too.

no worries, if i make it, i will def bring something...hopefully something spicy
1158 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa

2016 Hours
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri >> 12-7pm
Sat, Sun >> 11-5pm
Tel: 613 695 6961 Fax: 613 695 6532

Ottawa's BIGGEST SALTWATER Selection

Tel: 613 695 6961 Fax: 613 695 6532


I have to work till 7pm, so I don't think I'll make it.  Besides, there are going to be -children- there! *shudder* :P


i have to work till 6, so i don't know if i will eather, i might.


usually it goes well past 6,  I would be suprised if the food is actually ready at 6.


I work Saturdays, and transpo is an issue.....


I really enjoyed the last OVAS BBQ I was at.


I will be there might have to bring both kids. Husband is working. We will see. Going to call see if it would be any trouble. Kids are 3 and 5 needless to say alot of energy. Any ideas on what everyone likes for food. trying to figure out what to bring. Maby a pie or something. Any ideas?