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Thorny snails?

Started by PaleoFishGirl, July 20, 2006, 02:10:32 AM

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Hi from Alberta!

I went to Petland today to check out the fish (of course) and almost bought the coolest snails (except that they were $15 each and they'd have to live in my mom's questionable tank for a week, plus spend the night in a bowl in Calgary before I fly home).  Anyone know anything about these? All they said was 'Thorny snails - excellent for planted tanks.'  Can you get them in Ottawa?

Oh, yes I take my camera into pet stores ;)  My pics of the freshwater rays are so-so, but the baby tortoises munching on lettuce were blurry :(

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Is this it?  A horned nerite
700 gal pond - Rosy reds



That's a really cool snail, kinda pricey though.

I'd be tempted to grab one anyway.  Anything wild caught has already survived a flight from much farther away than Alberta.

Then again, $15 is kinda pricey :-\

What a dilemma!  Hope you're having a great time (it was a wedding you are attending, right?)

More pics!


Those are very cool snails (oh man, you guys have turned me into a snail weirdo!).  I'd pay for one, as I've paid more money for dumber animals before.  :)



Art, weren't you a hardcore african keeper yourself?

Let us know if you get those snails, PFG!


artw is a recovering Africanaholic.


Well, I'm sorely tempted.  Doesn't look like the snail in that link, Laura.  Lots more 'thorns' and a different whorl pattern.

If I do get some, what should I keep them in while I'm at my friend's house all day/night Sunday? Is there anything special I should put in the bag to take them on the plane?

PS nope, no wedding - just needed to get the heck out of Ottawa for a while :)


Those are really cool!! And I hardly know a darn thing about snails!! I wonder if they reproduce on their own or if they need another in order to do so. BE really cool to find out more about those for sure!!! Man I might even be ineterested! I'm into the very unusual  things :p :p Never having seen those before anywhere.. Yeah.. o.o Very cool!!!


mexicans keep worms in tequila, I imagine you could keep the snails in C.C. rye, would keep them from smelling bad.

Sorry to hear you're missing the nice weather, it has been lovely, profuse sweating, difficulty in breathing, loss of conciousness, and finally death...oops, those are black widow bite symptoms, remarkably similar.


Quote from: babblefish1960 on July 20, 2006, 03:35:31 PM
mexicans keep worms in tequila, I imagine you could keep the snails in C.C. rye, would keep them from smelling bad.

Very good point...but that's to keep them from decomposing, not to keep them ALIVE!  Kinda like the captain in a barrel...


Quote from: DarkDep on July 20, 2006, 02:26:11 PM
artw is a recovering Africanaholic.

Fully recovered actually.   However I am planning a return visit to Malawi for my 30th birthday


Well, I called the pet store and talked to a guy in the fish room.  He told me the same things that were written on the tank - thorny snails, great for planted tanks.  He looked up the snails in his order book and they were listed as 'thorny snails' too so no new info.  I'll decide tomorrow if I'll buy some or not...


Oh my goodness but they are dreadfully cute, what do they eat? Are they egg or live bearers? Bring me back one pretty please, please, please, I can't figure out how to wire money to the hoodoo's, western union keeps confusing it with death valley days, and never heard of a paleofishgirl, they wanted to know if that was like a cro-magnon man.

Hope you're having fun in the balmy west. :)


sweet good to know!! Yeah would be awesome to know more about them.



I made it home with 4 snails in tow (well, stuffed in a tupperware container in the bottom of my carry-on baggage).  They are all still alive and cruising around the tank - hopefully they are fine come tomorrow morning. 

Just a note, for anyone planning on flying to Alberta to buy snails ;)  - WestJet does not allow the transport of live animals (excluding cats and dogs) unless they are meant for food (lobsters, etc. which must be shipped on gel packs to keep cold).  Yes, that makes me a snail smuggler :D



err, you spent $60.00 on snails?!   :o  you said $15.00 per right?  oooooo, don't tell HIM.   ;D  and now I want one!!
Tanks: salty nano cube, working on a fresh 125

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Forget about the one's who don't.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


That isn't a lot of money, especially compared to one meal at the Keg. I'm sure some of us have even spent that much on a good cheeseburger.


I know quite a few of us that have spent more than that on one fish!  ;)