Important Notice!
The OVAS May General Meeting will be held on Monday, May 16, 2011 starting at 7pm. Please note that this is a departure from our normal 4th Monday of the month meeting due to the Victoria Day long weekend
Every May is election time at OVAS. All card carrying members will be able to vote for their favourite candidate for next season’s executive. Nominations can take place any time between now and decision time at the meeting next week. If you’re interested in running for a position, don’t be shy! Please bring your membership cards everyone.
Since the meeting will be partially occupied by the election, we’ll be seeing a 30 minute video about the Georgia Aquarium as well as having an interactive trivia game! There are great prizes to be won, so brush up on all things aquarium before you attend the meeting!
Last but not least, we’ll be having our usual mini-auction.
We hope to see lots of people (new and returning) at the meeting. See you soon!