
Article 1 – Name

1. The organization shall be known as the Ottawa Valley Aquarium Society, hereinafter known as OVAS.

2. OVAS is a non-profit organization with the following objectives:

a) to establish a local network of hobbyists allowing for the positive and amicable exchange of experiences, ideas, information and resources;

b) to promote local area interest in the hobby;

c) to provide resources and opportunities for both novice and experienced hobbyists to further their understanding and to encourage their study of aquatic life; and,

d) to raise awareness on the conservation of endangered species and preservation of aquatic environments.

Article 2 – Membership

1. Any person interested in the activities of OVAS shall be eligible for membership, and subject to its constitution and by-laws.

Article 3 – Organization

1. The society shall have the following officers and committee chairs:


a) President b) Vice-President c) Secretary d) Treasurer


a) Program Chair b) Auction Chair c) Membership c) Sponsorship d) Online Presence e) Zoom Meeting


Webmaster News


Auctioneer(s), Volunteer Coordinator, Runners, Raffles, Coordinator, Cashier(s), Greeter (Welcome Person), Auction Chair Assistant, Food and Refreshment Coordinator, General Help

2. The officers and standing committee constitute an Executive Committee, which shall manage and direct the affairs of the society.

3. Other chairs may be added as deemed necessary.

4. The responsibilities for all Executive Committee and volunteer positions will be documented and made available on the society’s website.

5. Officers and Chairs will be elected or appointed for a term of one year.

6. Executive members shall keep an accurate record of their acts and proceedings, and report to the society at any annual business meetings, or on demand.

7. The executive shall have the power to fill any vacancies which may occur until the next election.

8. In case of absence and/or resignation, the order of succession to the Presidency shall follow the order listed in Article 3 Section 1.

9.  Any executive member of the OVAS, if found unsatisfactory in their position or actions deemed detrimental to the OVAS may be relieved of their duties, upon receipt of a formal written complaint by the executive and pending a two-thirds vote in favour of dismissal by the executive committee.

10. Other Executive Committee Volunteers:

a) Other than the Past President, these positions are to be filled at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

b) More volunteer positions may be added as deemed necessary.

c) These volunteers are not required to be present at Executive Committee meetings, and hold no voting privileges.

d) Volunteer positions will be appointed for a term of one year.

11. Giant Auction Committee:

a) The Committee shall be chaired by the President. Should the President be unable to fulfill this duty, the order of succession shall follow the order listed in Article 3 Section 1.

b) Volunteer positions are to be filled at the discretion of the President, in consultation with the Executive Committee.

c) Volunteer positions will be appointed for a term of one year.

d) Members of the Giant Auction Committee are not part of the Executive Committee, and as such are not required to attend Executive Committee meetings and hold no voting privileges.

e) The proposed budget and plan for Giant Auction shall be submitted by the President to the Executive Committee for approval.

f) Any proposed change to the plan that has a significant financial impact shall also be submitted by the President to the Executive Committee for approval.

Article 4 – Meetings, etc.

1. OVAS shall hold regular society meetings at such time and place as shall be arranged by the Executive Committee.

2. Society meetings shall be open to both the membership and the public. The Executive Committee may introduce fees for non-members to attend special events as necessary to offset any costs.

3. Any society business meetings shall be held at such time and place as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.

4. The Executive Committee shall meet on a regular basis to ensure the smooth running of the society’s affairs.

Article 5 – Dues

1. All members shall be required to pay dues as set forth in our by-laws.

2. Executive committee members are entitled to complimentary membership during the term of their office in appreciation for their service to the club.

Article 6 – Amendment

1. To amend or repeal this Constitution or any part of it, it shall be necessary that the proposed amendment be presented in writing signed by at least three members in good standing.

2. The proposed amendment shall be read at the next regular meeting and voted on at that time.

3. The affirmative vote of the majority of all members in attendance shall be required for the adoption of an amendment to this constitution.