Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

OVAS Elections coming up!

Started by mseguin, April 28, 2009, 09:53:44 AM

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Hey all
next month is time to elect the executive for next year. This club as always, needs participation from everyone for strong leadership and to continue growing. If you want to be part of the direction of the club, then volunteer to be on the executive. There's a wide range of roles to fill, each with their own area to offer to the club. If you'd like to participate, or know someone who would be a great fit, feel free to nominate yourself or someone else. I have included her job descriptions for each of the positions, and feel free to contact any memeber of the executive for more information.

The President shall:
•   Act as an official representative and spokesperson for OVAS.
•   Seek to ensure that the other Officers and the Executive carry out their duties, but this does not imply that the President must assume the duties of any Officers who are absent or derelict in their duties.
•   Chair all Executive meetings and membership meetings, and serve as an ex-officio member of all OVAS committees.

The Vice-President shall:
•   Assist the President in carrying out all of his or her duties.
•   Act for the President, in the President's absence or at the request of the President.

The Treasurer shall:
•   Keep a complete and accurate record of the financial transactions of OVAS and make these available to the Executive at all reasonable times.
•   Prepare an annual financial statement for the approval of the Executive and the membership.
•   Ensure the safekeeping of OVAS' financial assets.
•   Attend to correspondence and records relating to OVAS' finances.

The Secretary shall:
•   Ensure minutes of all Executive meetings, and Annual General Meetings, are prepared and distributed to the Executive.
•   In collaboration with the President, attend to correspondence to and from OVAS and the OVAS Executive.
•   Maintain a complete record of all minutes, correspondence, and business records of OVAS from the last seven years.

The Membership Chair Shall:
•   Maintain a current and complete record of all members, and make it available to the Executive at all reasonable times.
•   Collect membership fees and provide them to the Treasurer, with a reconciliation of the fees collected and the membership list.
•   Promote membership in OVAS.

The Corporate and Public Affairs Chair shall:
•   Help the Membership Chair increase the membership of OVAS
•   Seek advertising revenue for OVAS
•   Seek business contacts to promote OVAS and OVAS activities, and seek sponsorships and other tangible ways of increasing the financial soundness of OVAS.

The Program Chair shall:
•   Develop and recommend to the Executive ideas for OVAS meetings.
•   Develop contacts in the aquarium hobby, and hence develop a list of potential speakers for OVAS events.
•   Make arrangements for the smooth running of OVAS meetings.

The Newsletter Editor shall:
•   Be responsible for the regular publication of the OVAS newsletter.
•   Edit the newsletter, using judgement as to the suitability of submitted articles.
•   Be responsible for all equipment and supplies associated with the publication of the newsletter.

The Breeders/Aquatic Horticulturalist Awards Program Chair shall:
•   Promote, provide, maintain, and make available to the General Membership and the Executive the society rules and standards for the Breeder Award Program (BAP) and Aquatic Horticulturalist Award Program (AHAP).
•   Update and maintain accurate records of participation in the BAP/AHAP.
•   Award points for captive reproduction of species and supporting materials as provided in the BAP/HAP rules.
•   Advise the Executive and the General Membership of any certificates or memberships earned per season.

The Library Chair shall:
•   Maintain the OVAS Library in good condition.
•   Ensure that library requests are fulfilled at each General Meeting.
•   Ensure that articles loaned from the library are returned in good condition and in a timely manner.
•   Ensure that materials are loaned only to current OVAS members.
•   Make periodic suggestions for further acquisitions for the library.
•   Promote the use of the library's resources

The Auction Chair shall:
•   Organize and run the monthly auctions and Giant auction.
•   Provide appropriate documentation to the Treasurer at the close of each auction for audit purposes
•   Maintain an accurate list of all current auction statistics
•   Submit to the Treasurer auction documentation for the previous OVAS season

The Social Convener shall:
•   Highlight and promote the social aspects of the society
•   Organize the society's social events such as the Annual Barbeque
•   Supply appropriate refreshments at the monthly meetings and other OVAS events


The elections will be held during the general meeting on May 25th. 

All OVAS members in good standing are allowed to participate either as a voter or as a nominee.  That is you must have paid your membership dues for the 2008/2009 season.  We will have the full membership list at the door in case you are unable to find your card.

If you wish to declare your intention to run for a position please see the following post.  Nominations from the floor are allowed at the meeting and the ballots will permit the addition of names if needed:

If you are not a member you can still purchase a 2008/2009 season membership:

If you have any questions on the election process please post them in this thread and they will be answered.

This is your chance to define how the club will operate for the following year.  Please make a point of coming out to participate in your club.
1 fish, 2 fish, <°{{{><  , <°{{{><