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Amano shrimp with crystal red shrimp

Started by jshchrtn, January 06, 2012, 03:32:49 PM

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Has anyone kept these shrimp together and have you had issues? I want to buy some amanos for my crystal red tank to help with the algae control on the slow growing plants, with approx 15 crystal red shrimp, 2 oto, and 2 netrite Snails. I was thinking I would add 2 small amanos and move them to another tank once they get larger, just worried they are to large to keep with crystals and will eat the crystals small offspring. From researching info online I read they will only eat dead or dying shrimp. Any ideas or experiences?


Cant comment about CRS, but they get along fine with cherry shrimp in my tank.  No issues at all, except the amanos are more aggressive if i drop in a shrimp pellet.  i mean they take the pellet, they dont fight or anything.


I don't think there is going to be an issue.  I have lots of amanos and I never have trouble with them doing anything like eating other shrimp.  They are very competitive for the food though.

Is there any other way to control the algae growth? Have you made sure that there isn't too much light or there isn't an abundance of waste in the tank that is causing the growth?


Its the thread type of algae that I'm having problems with, I like the amano shrimp though so I thought I'd try them. Thought they would make a good addition to my fluval ebi if they were safe! Thanks for the replies, think I'll give me a try. I dose with excel and flourish minimally and use some pressurized co2 daily sometimes with fluvals nano co2 and the light is on 10hours, I usually have two 13w cf fixtures but only one is running now because I am waiting on a replacement. I was also considering adding some bio type filter media to the small foam filter, just can't find small bags of them.... Thanks again!


No experience with the combo you mention but stumbled upon this a while back that might help:
Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


I agree with fishnut, I would look closer at why you're getting more algae, such as inconsistent co2, nitrates high, lighting periods/intensity, periodic ammonia spikes etc.
125g, 32g, 7g


I have introduced some amanos with CRS  & so far all is well.


I'm a great believer in everything said about nutrient I/O but if I have only beard or brush algae flare up and need it gone fast - I put a mature Siamese Algae Eater in the tank. I did that last week to a start up 90g tank and its all gone within three days. Please understand that I have small SAEs as well and they don't get going fast enough nor do they eat very much; I use mature individuals (2-3 inches long). And I made sure I had a real SAE, not any of the very similar looking fish that are so often passed off in the retail stores as SAEs. Check out the following URL for details:
"Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish." Mark Twain


So far the amano and Crystals are doing well in my tank, Even with some baby crystal shrimp just hatched 3 days ago!