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65 gallon "Super tank"

Started by werehatwere, January 16, 2012, 06:04:44 PM

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Well, after seeing all of the tank builds that are going on around this thread, I thought that I would share my own build. A 65 gallon "long" tank (Thanks a lot to Vernon for the free tank :D) will be the star. I originally was going to have this built for a 30 gallon, but I wanted something more substantial. The tank will be divided into 6 sections. Each section about 12 gallons except for the last one witch would be about 5 gallons. So far the tank looks like this:

Here is the link to the photo... I dont know how to post picks in here...

The pic pretty much sums it up.. Ill have real picks up soon.


Very interesting! 

I cant wait to see it in action.


Cool idea!  Are you building all the dividers etc yourself? 


Haha well the tank actually turned out to be much larger then 65 gallons...its 90 gallons! My seller thought it was 65...Anyways, I caved. I knew it would happen...the moment I laid eyes on the tank, I knew that I didnt have the heart to split it up. So I came up with a new plan. I am going to get all of the fish I want to put in here, along with many invertebrates. If by chance they have babies, I will let them grow out in the tank as it will be heavily planted. Im going to get about 50  pounds of those lava, and sand rocks, and make a huge mountain that has lots of caves in it. The rock itself is very cheap. Only like a dollar a piece.  My plan is to add tones of driftwood, and rocks on top of the drift wood, sort of making a natural divider. I have a miny rock mountain right now, but it needs to be larger. There will be moss and plants ( Live of course :) that will stick out of the mountain. I will also add about 100 RCS and have them spawn in the moss. Any babys will be moved to a safe shrimp haven. The fish in the tank will probably be:
Live beares
a clown loach
*possibly a spawning pair of angel fish
and rainbow sharks.

Also dose anybody know of friendly chichilds that could go in there with them?


Get a school of clown loaches instead of only one.

They are very social and will be more active with friends!


I'd personally remove glofish from your list, there are lots
of other nicer fish out there.

As a side note does anyone know if the ban on glofish been lifted?
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


Quote from: sas on January 19, 2012, 07:36:49 AM
I'd personally remove glofish from your list, there are lots
of other nicer fish out there.

As a side note does anyone know if the ban on glofish been lifted?

I don't think so, I looked it up recently and couldn't find any information that they've allowed the sale of them.  I wouldn't mind having a ten or twenty gallon glofish tank though.

Definetly want to see progress shots of your super tank!


Although cherry shrimp are tough & resilient, i think it would be an interesting challenge for them in that set up, with your present wish list of fish.


I actually scraped the angels. I hear what they do to tetras. And there was a band on glofish? Why? whats up with them...I also just finished cycling a 10 gallon tank exclusively for RCS babies. How can you tell when a mother is ready to lay her eggs? And I heard that gouramis will breed in the community tank. I dont need 300 gouramis. How can I tell male from female so I only get males?


$49 dollars each?!

Who in their right mind  would pay that much for a glowing zebra danio!! (No offence if anyone here has)


^^^ I agree. I would never pay that much. And its funny. Just before this all began, I saw some at big als for $1.39 each. I thought to myself, meh Ill get them some other time. Well anyone have some glofish for sale? Lol.


I don't know if the "Local Breeders" list is up to date but we do have a member on there that lists Glo Fishes as one of the species.