Meeting location for the 2024/2025 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Monday May 27th Meeting - DATE UPDATED

Started by Jody, May 11, 2024, 05:20:02 PM

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Hi All,

  Wow, time has flown, and we are at the last meeting of the season.
We have a fantastic speaker lined up, Eleonore, who will be sharing her experience with tub ponds. This is the perfect time of year to start thinking of it, and it should be a great talk.

  Also, as the season rolls to a close, it is time for the election of the executive committee for the 2024-2025 season. All positions are available for those interested, though some of the current exec have chosen to remain, if they are able to.

The exec officers consists of
President (Vacant)
Vice - President (Vacant)
Secretary -
Treasurer - Mike M.

Committee Chairs
Auction chair - Alyssa
Sponsorship - (Vacant)
Membership - Liam
Program - (Vacant)
Online Presence (Vacant)

  If you have a bit of spare time, and are willing to help out, feel free to jump in, the club is always looking for volunteers. Regardless of experience level, OVAS is happy to accept anyone.

And finally, we have our aquascaping bowl show. I am sure that we will have some amazing displays and hopefully we have lots of tanks to judge.

See you then


Have a great meeting! I was looking forward to the presentation. I won't attend because it's my daughter's birthday. I thought the meeting would be on the Tuesday. Have a great summer!


It is not this Monday (Victoria Day) but the one afterwards if that makes a difference.

If not, bring her along! She will love it!



May 29 is a Wednesday and unfortunately my daughter is young to be up that late on a school night. Thank you though :) She would totally love it.


I'll be there!
Also since I have way more free time now I'd be happy to volunteer for the executive committee for the next season.


So the meeting is on Monday May 27 and not Wednesday May 29 ?
Just Clarifying....


Apologies for the confusion.
The meeting is on Monday May 27th and is the final meeting for the season


Just some info for those thinking about joining the executive committee next season.  Link to the by-laws, constitution, executive and membership.

About OVAS

Don't forget that OVAS has a separate webpage as well.

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These meetings feel like polka-roo - "I missed it again". I can't make the 27th meeting either, I have an appointment. Next year then! Have a great summer.


The Membership Chair (tanksalot360) sends out a monthly email to the OVAS Club Members telling us what the topic of the upcoming meeting will be along with other reminders.  In the same email, he lists all the meeting dates.  If you are not getting this email then you should reach out to him to get added to the mailing list.


Normally, unless there is a holiday, our meeting date is the 4th Monday of the month. While this typically ends up as the last Monday of the month, the proper date is the 4th one.


For those that are planning on attending coming Monday, consider bringing items to sell related to the topic of the evening (tub ponds)
Fish: endlers/guppies, white cloud minnows, buenos aires tetras, livebearers such as limia, xenoteca, mollies, paradise fish, pygmy gouramis, badis types, celestial pearl danios, rice fish etc.

Plants: hornwort, bacopa, egeria, emersed Amazon swords, water lilies, irises, papyrus plants, creeping jenny, mint, cana, hosta, water lettuce, water hyacinth etc.

HOpe to see you all on Monday!